Russian church leader promotes Putin's changes in constitution


Interfax-Religiia, 25 June 2020


Patriarch of Moscow and all-Rus Kirill, on Thursday morning, supported amendments to the fundamental law of Russia, having voted for them early in his residence in the St. Daniel's monastery of Moscow.


Addressing journalists, the patriarch noted that these amendments have "very profound worldview significance" and may lead to "very important spiritual and moral consequences" for the life of the people. He explained that he has in mind, in the first place, the amendment that mentions God.


"For believing people, God is the absolute value. Well, people who do not share these convictions also may vote safely for this amendment, because without absolute value there is no starting point. We always make a choice between good and evil, but in order to make that choice it is necessary to know clearly what good is and what evil is. So you see, for nonbelieving people, God should simply be equated with good," the church primate thinks.


He also noted the importance of the amendment that asserts the historical continuity of modern Russia. "We are not simply people who have fallen into the historical arena from out of nowhere. We are linked through our parents and our culture, through art, through our faith with many, many generations that preceded us. This speaks of something very important, because the revolutionary events of the 20th century tried to destroy this continuity," the patriarch noted. In his opinion, voting for this amendment says that "we are linking the present-day Russia with the whole millennium-long history of our fatherland."


Patriarch Kirill said that the amendment that defined marriage as a union of a man and a woman was a "very important innovation," and he expressed the opinion that "an absolute majority of our people will vote with great pleasure" for it.  In the opinion of the head of the church, 20 or 30 years back nobody would have thought that it is necessary to clarify such questions in the fundamental law. "But today marriage has been placed in doubt. And if marriage is destroyed, the family is destroyed, and if the family is destroyed, the moral foundation is destroyed," the patriarch thinks.


In conclusion he expressed the hope that the updated constitution will become the foundation for the further development of Russian legislation and will facilitate the spiritual, moral, and material development of Russia. (tr. by PDS, posted 27 June 2020)

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