Protestants find amicable arrangement for their church building


by Aleksei Kucheriavykh

Tolk, 23 November 2020


The church of Evangelical Christians-Baptists of Biisk on 19 November filed in the arbitration court of Altai Territory a lawsuit against the mayor's office of the science city for two million rubles. The parties state that there is no conflict between them, but the suit is the only way to register the previously constructed church's building as its property.


A building of smaller dimensions was built


At the press service of the Biisk administration, Tolk was told that nobody is going to demand an actual 2 million rubles from the city. The point of the demand is recognition of the right to ownership of the structure at the 34a Dostoevsky address.


In the city administration it was clarified that the church received permission for construction in 2005. After the construction of the building, representatives of the church applied to put it into service, but they were refused, since the dimensions of the structure did not correspond with those that had been indicated in the permit for construction. The building turned out to be of smaller dimensions than had been stated in the documents.


The presbyter of the church of Evangelical Christians-Baptists of Biisk, Sergei Krivosheev, explained for Tolk that they still do not have official permission to put the building into use. They are trying to get it through legal proceedings and at the same time to confirm the right of ownership.


At Biisk city hall they explained that going to court for recognizing rights of ownership is considered normal practice. Usually in such situations, either a technical conclusion is attached, which indicates that the structure does not violate building and fire safety rules, or in a judicial proceeding an expert analysis is ordered, where it is ascertained whether the structure corresponds with all necessary requirements.


Two million is the building's cost


Sergei Krivosheev also explained for Tolk that two million is the cost of the building, which was determined after a special assessment.


He said that the church previously had an antiquated building and the land was rented. Over time, the old building was demolished and on its site the new building was built at parishioners' expense


"We have fine relations with all neighbors, and on the basis of the conditions of the registration of ownership in the residential zone, we got from them consent in written form to the effect that they do not oppose us as neighbors and they do not have any complaints about our lawsuit."


The presbyter also noted that there is not any kind of conflict with the city administration. (tr. by PDS, posted 24 November 2020)

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