Religious Leaders Call for National Unity and Solidarity in a Joint Letter to the People of Haiti

Suzanne Toma, Religions for Peace 20210719

For Immediate Release




Religious Leaders Call for National Unity and Solidarity in a Joint Letter to the People of Haiti


(Port-au-Prince/New York, 15 July 2021) As the assassination of President Jovenel Moïse has provoked further political turmoil, communal violence and humanitarian crisis in the country, leaders of Religions for Peace Haiti, representing diverse faith traditions of the country, issued a joint  Letter to the People of Haiti to “invoke the soul of this great nation for resilience, tolerance, dialogue, peace and reconciliation at this time of crisis.”


Most Rev. Pierre-Andre Dumas, of Religions for Peace Haiti, together with other senior religious leaders, stated in the Letter, “The people of Haiti, over many generations, have suffered from colonialism, slavery, natural disasters, political crises, and socio-economic and humanitarian challenges. We have struggled together and always come back stronger to address and overcome these challenges through unity, solidarity and love for our great nation.”


Religious leaders reminded their people of the country’s history and asked them to be united as its proud citizens.  “When the country was declared as a free republic in the name of the Haitian people over 200 years ago, Haiti became the first independent nation in Latin America, the first post-colonial independent black-led nation in the world, and the only nation whose independence was gained as part of a successful slave rebellion,” the Letter said.


“[W]e are proud to be the citizens of this country, sharing our aspiration for freedom, respect for human dignity, and dedication to foundational values and principles on which our nation was built.” Religious leaders appealed to sisters and brothers in Haiti to “reclaim common values and virtues that are rooted in the history of this great nation. We will rise from this crisis, and tother rebuild our nation in unity and solidary for resilience, tolerance, dialogue, peace and reconciliation.”


The Letter was co-signed by Most Rev. Pierre-Andre Dumas, Rt. Rev. Oge Beauvoir, Manbo Euvonie Auguste Georges, and Rev. Clement Joseph.


Religions for Peace Haiti is a national affiliate of a global Religions for Peace movement, representing leaders of the world’s diverse faith traditions and affiliated Interreligious Councils in 90 countries in six continents.




A Letter to the People of Haiti 

Haitian Religious Leaders Call for National Unity and Solidarity for 

Resilience, Tolerance, Dialogue, Peace and Reconciliation 

 16 July 2021


As leaders of Religions for Peace Haiti, representing diverse faith traditions of the country, we appeal to the people of Haiti to invoke the soul of this great nation for resilience, tolerance, dialogue, peace, and reconciliation at this time of crisis.

The people of Haiti, over many generations, have suffered from colonialism, slavery, natural disasters, political crises, and socio-economic and humanitarian challenges. We have struggled together and always come back stronger to address and overcome these challenges through unity, solidarity, and love for our great nation.

When the country was declared as a free republic in the name of the Haitian people over 200 years ago, Haiti became the first independent nation in Latin America, the first post-colonial independent, black-led nation in the world, and the only nation whose independence was gained as part of a successful slave rebellion.

While the country has suffered from years of war, its agriculture devastated, and its formal commerce nonexistent, we, the people of Haiti, worked together in unity and solidarity to carry on and maintain the nation. We are proud to be the citizens of this country, sharing our aspiration for freedom, respect for human dignity, and dedication to the foundational values and principles on which our nation was built.

Haitian sisters and brothers, let us reclaim our common values and virtues that are rooted in the history of this great nation. We will rise from this crisis, and together rebuild our nation in unity and solidarity for resilience, tolerance, dialogue, peace, and reconciliation.

Signed by:  

The Most Rev. Pierre-Andre Dumas, The Roman-Catholic Church of Haiti

The Right. Rev. Oge Beauvoir, The Episcopal Church of Haiti (Anglican Communion)

Manbo Euvonie  Georges Auguste, National Confederation of Haitian Voodooists ( Vodou Community ,KNVA)

The Rev. Clement Joseph, Social Mission of Haitian Churches (MISSEH)


Une Lettre au Peuple d’Haïti. 

Les Leaders Religieux Haïtiens appelle à l’Unité et la Solidarité Nationale pour la Résilience, la Tolérance, le Dialogue, la Paix et La Réconciliation. 

16 juillet 2021 


En tant que dirigeants de Religions pour la paix Haïti, représentant diverses traditions religieuses dans le pays, nous appelons le peuple haïtien à invoquer l’âme de cette grande nation pour la résilience, la tolérance, le dialogue, la paix et la réconciliation en cette période de crise.

Le peuple haïtien, depuis de nombreuses générations, a souffert du colonialisme, de l’esclavage, des catastrophes naturelles, des crises politiques et des défis socio-économiques et humanitaires. Nous avons lutté ensemble et revenons toujours plus forts pour relever et surmonter ces défis par l’unité, la solidarité et l’amour pour notre grande nation.

Depuis que le pays a été déclaré république libre au nom du peuple haïtien il y a plus de 200 ans, Haïti est devenu la première nation indépendante d’Amérique latine, la première nation post-coloniale indépendante dirigée par des Noirs dans le monde et la seule nation dont l’indépendance a été acquise dans le cadre d’une rébellion d’esclaves réussie.

Alors que le pays a subi des années de guerre, son agriculture dévastée et son commerce formel inexistant, nous, le peuple d’Haïti, avons travaillé ensemble dans l’unité et la solidarité pour faire aux défis et maintenir la nation. Nous sommes fiers d’être les citoyens de ce pays, qui partage son aspiration à la liberté, le respect de la dignité humaine ainsi que le dévouement aux valeurs et principes fondamentaux sur lesquels notre nation a été construite.

Sœurs et frères haïtiens, revendiquons nos valeurs et vertus communes qui sont enracinées dans l’histoire de cette grande nation. Nous sortirons de cette crise et reconstruirons ensemble notre nation dans l’unité et la solidarité pour la résilience, la tolérance, le dialogue, la paix et la réconciliation.

Signé par: 

Mgr Pierre-André Dumas, Église catholique romaine d’Haïti

Le Rév. Oge Beauvoir, Église épiscopale d’Haïti (Communion anglicane)

Manbo Euvonie Georges Auguste, Confédération nationale des vaudouisants haïtiens (Communauté, KNVA)

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