Piecing Together Different Perspectives: IF20 in 2023

“Many ideas grow better when transplanted into another mind than the one where they sprang up.”

-Oliver Wendell Holmes

In 2023, the G20 Interfaith Forum (IF20) brought together diverse minds, linked by religious, governmental, and academic affiliations, to discuss global concerns. Like the pieces of a stained-glass window, each perspective, idea, and contribution has played a crucial role in crafting a beautiful, cohesive picture of understanding and collaboration.

Marking IF20’s tenth anniversary, this year in India has been particularly significant. From New Delhi’s Lotus Temple to Pune’s World Peace Dome, IF20 has pieced together vibrant discussions into action. In the face of the polycrisis – the aftermath of COVID-19, world conflicts, climate crisis, and the impact on children – IF20 has focused discussions on these pressing global problems.

The three overarching concerns – addressing international financial architecture, advocating for the inclusion of the African Union in G20, and proposing an international commission to address racism – underscore our commitment to redress patterns of global inequalities. These discussions are encapsulated in summaries on our website, our blog Viewpoints, and our videos of the events on the IF20 YouTube channel. We are also introducing an IF20 podcast where the discussions at our regional meetings and forums will be reviewed. Also, we will be interviewing individuals who are experts in areas of global concern.

Throughout the year, our regional meetings, webinars, and forums have been platforms where voices from various faith traditions and philosophies have found common ground. This year-end document will give you highlights of what we have accomplished this year. Each occasion represents a brilliant and strengthening part of the finished picture of this year’s events. The synergy of these interactions drives us into the future with renewed purpose and hope.

As we transition into a new year, let us carry forward the lessons and insights gained in 2023. Let the connections made in the forums and regional meetings be the foundation for further collaboration and let the shared commitment to address global challenges be the guiding force that propels us toward a more harmonious and equitable world.

In the spirit of unity and understanding,

Dr. Marianna Richardson

G20 Interfaith Forum

Director of Communications

Read our End of Year Document