Reclaiming Justice in Humanity

reclaiming justice

12 February 2024 - 8:30 am PST / 4:30 pm GMT

Join the next episode of the ALIVE series featuring Jerry White – URI Executive Director and Karen Tse- Founder of International Bridges to Justice who will share their personal contributions to the evolution of international treaties, healing, transforming systems, networks and so much more.

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Jerry White is a spiritual activist, entrepreneur, and Ashoka Fellow who leads the world’s largest grassroots interfaith network promoting peace, justice, and healing (United Religions Initiative). He is known for leading high-impact campaigns, three of which led to international treaties. When he was twenty, Jerry lost his right leg to a landmine explosion in Israel. He shares in the 1997 Nobel Peace Prize awarded to the International Campaign to Ban Landmines.

Karen Tse is an international human rights lawyer, ordained minister and Ashoka Fellow who envisions a world where the basic legal rights of every person are respected. She has made groundbreaking contributions to judicial reform around the world and creates the conditions to ensure the end of torture as an investigative tool, ensuring the protection of a variety of human rights. We recommend you watch her TED Talk "How to Stop Torture"-->

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