The Washington Times - September 30, 2013, 09:31AM

Wait, God is no longer the co-pilot out there in Colorado Springs? That’s what one aggressive watchdog wants to know.

“The U.S. Air Force Academy has removed the words ‘So help me God’ from some written materials, including the oath administered to USAF inductees based upon the objections of a single atheist,” says Tom Fitton, director of Judicial Watch.


The watchdog group has filed a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit against the Defense Department to obtain the official records showing what - or who - is behind the decision.

“Unilaterally removing ‘so help me God’ from Air Force Academy materials is at odds with our nation’s history, the rule of law, and the fundamental values of the American people,” Mr. Fitton observes. “We want to get to the bottom of this controversy and it is a shame we had to go to court to try to get past the Pentagon’s stonewall.”

Via their FOIA request with the Pentagon, the group seeks:

Records of the decision to delete, remove, and/or discontinue use of the phrase “so help me God” from the USAF Academy written materials, including but not limited to the cadet handbook, and any other oaths of allegiance and/or office.

Records of policy memos, directives or other materials and/or communications implementing the decision described in Point 1, supra.

Records used for the factual foundation for the decision described in Point 1, supra.

Records of all communications with Third Parties concerning use of the phrase “so help me God” at the USAF Academy.

See the legal document here