The City must take religion seriously, says Archbishop of Canterbury

The Archbishop said that "faith is not a fading inconvenience"
The Archbishop said that "faith is not a fading inconvenience"

Religious faith is a “powerful and increasingly influential global reality” which must be taken seriously, especially in the City of London, according to the Archbishop of Canterbury.

The Most Rev Justin Welby said God and mammon – material wealth or greed – are not mixable, but this did not mean there was no place for faith in the City.

“That’s on the authority of Jesus Christ who said you can’t serve God and mammon. God and the City, by contrast I think, are eminently mixable.”

He was speaking at a Mansion House dinner hosted by Roger Gifford, a senior banker and Lord Mayor of London, to launch a new project, Coexist House, intended to be a multi-faith equivalent to St Paul’s Cathedral. Fundraising has begun