Pomegranate | Israel, religion and the draft

Get into uniform

The ultra-Orthodox must serve in the army, at last

By N.P. | Jerusalem

EVER since Esther disguised her Jewish roots to seduce the king of Persia more than 2,000 years ago, Jews have celebrated her deception once a year with the festival of Purim, not least by dressing up as their worst enemies. Favoured costumes of Israel's Haredim, or ultra-Orthodox Jews, have been the garb of Cossack horsemen, who once launched pogroms against them in eastern Europe. The enemy of choice this year might have been the Israeli army, but nervous rabbis pre-emptively banned anyone from dressing up in khaki uniforms.

A decision in Israel's parliament, the Knesset, to criminalise ultra-Orthodox Jews refusing to abide by Israel's military draft has brought relations between the country's 800,000 ultra-Orthodox Jews and the 5m others to their worst level since Israel was established in 1948. Anti-Zionist graffiti litters the Haredim's bastions in Jerusalem. Haredi protesters have replaced the silent middle Hebrew letter in Israel's name with another one, rendering it as Yesh-raal-"There's Poison". And earlier this month hundreds of thousands poured onto Jerusalem's main highway for a mass communal prayer-cum-protest, closing it to traffic for hours. "Let us study the Torah," they cried, mockingly asking how any Jewish state could prevent students from studying it. One ultra-Orthodox sect vowed that it would flee Israel if the authorities attempted to enforce the law. "We owe our survival to the Torah, not to squadrons of fighter-jets," said a protester.

For Yair Lapid, a standard-bearer of Israel's secular Jews, the Haredi conscription law is a crowning achievement. As finance minister and leader of Israel's second-largest party, he pushed through the bill by 67 votes to one on March 12th, with most of the opposition boycotting the session. His supporters, concentrated in the coastal metropolis around Tel Aviv, portrayed the ultra-Orthodox as welfare scroungers living off secular taxpayers who pay income tax and risk their lives in patriotic combat. "Share the netel," meaning the burden, is their battle-cry.

Fearful that Mr Lapid might take his 18 fellow parliamentarians out of the ruling coalition, thus toppling it, Binyamin Netanyahu, Israel's prime minister, rallied to his call. So too did Jewish Home, which as a party of religious Zionism values military service as well as Torah study.

Yet the generals want the ultra-Orthodox in their ranks no more than the ultra-Orthodox want to join up. Army recruitment centres are already struggling with a surfeit of brawn at a time when Israel's fighting machine is becoming increasingly automated, with drones rather than infantrymen to the fore. So some argue that if the government was really serious about integrating the ultra-Orthodox and rescuing them from poverty they would have done better to push them out of the proliferating Torah colleges and into jobs instead of uniforms.

(Photo credit: AFP)

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