Don’t use religion as a cover for discrimination

Rev. Carol Burnett, Ocean Springs

As a lifelong United Methodist, I am deeply distressed about the current use of religion as a cover for prejudice and discrimination.

And it is nothing short of surreal that the Supreme Court has now ruled that corporations have religious values, and those fictitious corporate religious values trump the health needs of their real live human female employees.

Mississippi’s so-called “religious liberty” bill was completely unnecessary as — contrary to those who claim it is needed — there is no assault on Christianity, which continues its reign as this country’s dominant religion.

Examples of recent religious assaults in our country are those perpetrated against mosques and synagogues.

This move for so-called “religious liberty” is religious cover for those who want to discriminate.

The Hobby Lobby case is unbelievable in that the Supreme Court has now weighed in on this trend. That corporate claims of religious liberty can now provide legal cover for prejudice, misogyny, discrimination and cheap labor is outrageous.

I grew up in a church that calls believers to live in witness of social justice, equity and compassion.

Those of us in my church and the Christian faith at-large who respond to that call have acquiesced and remained too silent while political agendas have used the worst and most base elements of human nature to fuel prejudicial assaults and divisions in the name of religion.

Those of us who claim the Christian faith and also believe in justice and compassion should rise up and give voice to the sinfulness of this inexcusable use of the Christian faith.