Egyptian court sentences 8 men to jail for 3 years over 'gay marriage'

Published November 1st, 2014 - 12:03 GMT
Al Bawaba
Al Bawaba

An Egyptian court jailed eight men for three years over a video of what prosecutors claimed was of a gay wedding.

The video, which went viral on the internet, showed footage of a “gay marriage” ceremony aboard a Nile River boat. Two men are seen in the center kissing, exchanging rings, and cutting a cake with their picture on it.

Homosexuality is not banned under Egyptian law. The eight men, arrested in September, were charged with debauchery and offending public morality.

Despite the men testing “negative” for controversial medical exams designed to test for homosexuality, the men were sent to trial. New York-based rights watchdog, Human Rights Watch, condemned the tests and the treatment of the eight men, urging Egypt to release the men. 

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