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International Law and Religion Headlines
Charlie Hebdo
More than One Month Ago
Copenhagen shooting suspect killed by police (Charles Duxbury and Anna Molin, The Wall Street Journal)
Conspiracies, victimhood cloud Turks' views of Hebdo killings (Mustafa Akyol, Al-Monitor: Turkey Pulse)
Why Israeli cartoonists don't draw Muhammad (Yuval Avivi, Al-Monitor: Israel Pulse)
Iran responds to caricatures with 'I love Muhammad' campaign (Rohollah Faghihi, Al-Monitor: Iran Pulse)
What is free speech for? (Father Raymond J. de Souza, National Post)
Thousands of Palestinians protest Charlie Hebdo Mohammad cartoon (Ali Sawafta and Yusri al-Jamal, Reuters)
Suis-je Charlie? (Andrew Sorokowski, Religious Information Service of Ukraine)
What Charlie Hebdo meant for Lebanon (Nicolas Hindi, The Daily Star)
Boycott of French products suggested (Ibrahim Naffee, Arab News)
Noam Chomsky: Obama's drone program 'the most extreme terrorist campaign of modern times' (Andrea Germanos, Common Dreams: Breaking News & Views for the Progressive Community)
Could Charlie Hebdo learn from emperor Ashoka? (European Interreligious Forum for Religious Freedom (EIFRF))
Immigration and Islam: Europe’s crisis of faith (Christopher Caldwell, The Wall Street Journal: The Saturday Essay)
Blasphemy is an assault on our supreme good (Michael Cook, MercatorNet)
#TearsForBaga: the mystery of the missing hashtag (Ethan Zuckerman, MercatorNet)
We aren't Charlie: The decline of satire and culture (John Stonestreet, BreakPoint Commentaries)
A million people in Paris teach us what religion is really all about (Rabbi Steven Carr Reuben, Ph.D., Huff Post Religion)
Free speech or freedom to abuse? (Aijaz Zaka Syed, Arab News)
Respect Muslims’ feelings (Afifa Jabeen Quraishi, Arab News)
Disputed claims over Qaeda role in Paris attacks (Eric Schmitt, Mark Mazzetti, and Rukmini Callimachi, The New York Times)
Condemnation swift in Muslim nations over new Charlie Hebdo cover (Jacob Resneck and Mai Shams El-Din, Religion News Service)
Cartoonists ignored the virtue of prudence (Peter Stockland, Calgary Herald)
Pope Francis: Free expression doesn't mean right to insult others' faith (Greg Botelho and Sunshine Lichauco de Leon, CNN)
A tough question: Just how 'JeSuisCharlie' to be? (Gene Policinski, Newseum: Inside the First Amendment)
Religious freedom and diplomacy: More than a luxury (B.C., The Economist [Erasmus blog: Religion and Public Policy])
Freedom to practise one’s religion without fear or favour (Tengku Zuhri Tengku Abdul Aziz, The Rakyat Post)
In France, a growing debate over why some speech is protected and some isn’t (Anthony Faiola and Griff Witte, The Washington Post)
France cracks down on hate speech, sends carrier to Mideast (Lori Hinnant, Associated Press, The Jackson Sun)
In remembering the Charlie Hebdo attack we must not forget the responsibility that goes with free speech (Tariq Modood, The London School of Economics and Political Science)
Al Qaeda branch claims responsibility for Charlie Hebdo attack (Holly Yan, Josh Levs, and Salma Abdelaziz, CNN)
Pakistan rally celebrates Charlie Hebdo attackers (Said Kouachi, The Economic Times)
Four Jewish victims of Paris market attack buried in Jerusalem (Michele Chabin, Religion News Service)
Conspiracy theorists blame Paris attack on Israel (Yair Rosenberg, Tablet: A New Read on Jewish Life)
Turkish cartoonists threatened after Charlie Hebdo attacks (Pinar Tremblay, Al-Monitor: Turkey Pulse)
The Paris massacres: Sad, sad, sad! (Nuray Mert, Hürriyet Daily News)
Others who are not Charlie Heddo (Maggie Gallagher, National Review Online: the Corner blog)
Millions march against terrorism in France's biggest rally (Richard Carter and Fran Blandy, Yahoo! News)
Not enough to condemn terrorism (Şahin Alpay, Sunday's Zaman)
Lessons of Paris — and War on Terror (J.J. Goldberg, The Jewish Daily Forward)
I am not Charlie Hebdo (David Brooks, The New York Times Opinion)
Charlie Hebdo suspects killed and several hostages freed in French police raids – live updates (Matthew Weaver , Josh Halliday, Alexandra Topping and Jonathan Bucks, The Guardian)
The problem was not religion (Daniel Philpott, Arc of the Universe: Ethics and Global Justice)
OIC Secretary General condemns terrorist attack on Charlie Hebdo Office (Iyad Ameen Madani, Organization for Islamic Cooperation)
Je ne suis pas Charlie Hebdo (Anthony Lang, Arc of the Universe: Ethics and Global Justice (Daniel Philpott))
The Koran does not forbid images of the Prophet (Christiane Gruber, Newsweek Opinion)
Charlie Hebdo and #MuslimApologies (Jennifer S. Bryson, The Witherspoon Institute: Public Discourse)
Charlie Hebdo and the assault on French identity (Sylvie Kauffmann, The New York Times Opinion)
Sommes-nous Charlie Hebdo? (John Owen, Arc of the Universe: Ethics and Global Justice (Daniel Philpott))
France: Raids kill 3 suspects, including 2 wanted in Charlie Hebdo attack (Ben Brumfield, Greg Botelho and Jim Sciutto, CNN)
Al Qaeda trained suspect in Paris terror attack, official says (Eric Schmitt, Michael S. Schmidt, and Andrew Higgins, The New York Times)
Abu Zayd: face terrorism with thinking, not fragility, in religious discourse (Jennifer Bryson, Arc of the Universe: Ethics and Global Justice (Daniel Philpott))
Je suis Charlie: Stand together in the face of violence (Stefan Kuzmany, Spiegel Online International)
Je suis Charlie: The massacre in Paris and the freedom to say stupid things (Liel Leibovitz, Tablet: A New Read on Jewish Life)
How to answer the Paris terror attack (Ayaan Hirsi Ali, The Wall Street Journal)
What really offended the Paris attackers? Democracy (Editorial, The Globe and Mail)
Muslims express outrage over Paris terror attack (Katharine Lackey, USA Today)
We are not all Charlie Hebdo, but we are all afraid (Adam Wagner, UK Human Rights Blog)
Indonesia churches: Paris shooters inhumane (Bagus BT Saragih, The Jakarta Post)
The Mormons, Benghazi, and Charlie Hebdo (Jonathan S. Tobin, Commentary)
Can Charlie Hebdo’s spirit include Israel? (Noah Beck, Jewish Journal)
Reforming Islam: Where change comes from (B.C., The Economist [Erasmus: Religion and public policy])
We are Charlie: Free speech v. self-censorship (Douglas Murray, Gatestone Institute)
Islam reformer being ignored (Jonah Goldberg, USA Today)
Is more blasphemy the best response? (Michael Cook, MercatorNet)
Charlie Hebdo Attack: Magazine to publish next week (BBC News Entertainment & Arts)
Watch how the Charlie Hebdo attacks unfolded (Keely Lockhart, and PA, words by Gordon Rayner, The Telegraph)
French police detain 9 in massive hunt for 2 suspects (Lori Hinnant and Angela Charlton, The Associated Press, The Big Story)
Thousands join rally in Paris condemning attack at Charlie Hebdo (Sam Schechner and William Horobin, The Wall Street Journal)
The Charlie Hebdo massacre (Editorial, National Review Online)
In Paris attack, clash on whether to limit press freedom (John-Thor Dahlburg, Associated Press: The Big Story)
Why Charlie Hebdo must be free to offend all — even us (Editorial, The Jewish Daily Forward)
Charlie Hebdo and the end of free speech (Rick Marschall, Real Clear Religion)
The crisis of free speech (Rich Lowry, Politico)
Muslims on edge after Paris terrorist attack on satirical magazine (Aida Alami, Angela Waters, and Elizabeth Bryant, Religion News Service)
Charlie Hebdo attack: The hunt for the killers (Greg Botelho, Laura Smith-Spark and Jim Bittermann, CNN)
At least 12 killed in shooting at office of French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo (Greg Botelho, Ben Brumfield and Jim Bittermann, CNN)
Muslims around the world condemn Charlie Hebdo attack (Carol Kuruvilla & Antonia Blumberg, Huff Post Religion)
Paris attack reflects a 'dangerous moment' for Europe (Steven Erlanger and Katrin Bennhold, The New York Times)
WCC condemns Paris slayings (World Council of Churches)
Terrorists attack French satirical magazine (Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)
French weekly has history of angering Muslims with cartoons (Lori Hinnant and Joji Sakurai, Associated Press: The Big Story)