Law allows Ark to have religious hiring preferences

Kentucky has withdrawn its offer of tax breaks for a religious-themed park in Grant County that would feature a 500-foot-long wooden ark because its organizers plan to screen park employees based on religion.

As president of Answers in Genesis and the future Ark Encounter, I want to respond to the letter writer (Jan. 22) and her misrepresentation of the Ark project under construction in Northern Kentucky.

AiG, as a religious organization, does have religious preferences in hiring, as is allowed by federal law (e.g., the 1964 Civil Rights Act) and state law.

Furthermore, the Ark Encounter has not yet employed any staff members (the life-size Ark is still under construction) and our hiring policies have not been established. At the same time, we have it on record with the state (in writing) that the Ark Encounter will obey all applicable state and federal laws in hiring. Contrary to the letter writer's contention, we have never done otherwise.

To be consistent, this person should be concerned about the secular groups that oppose us (e.g., the Freedom from Religion Foundation) because they use preferences in their staff hiring. Why not write letters about their practices, which are not covered by the Civil Rights Act?

Ken Ham, president, Answers in Genesis