Modern Christianity in the Holy Land

Rev. Hanna Kildani, Ph. D.

Modern Christianity in the Holy Land  by Rev. Hanna Kildani, Ph.D. Reviewed by Brent Strong, Ph.D.


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Project of Jordan Martyrs Church  English & Arabic

Fuheis Church restoration 2002 (Jordan)  Arabic & English

Kildani Family photo album  English

Catholic Schools in Jordan   English, Italian, Dutch, Spanish, Portuguese, German & French.

General Secretariat of Christian Schools in Jordan Arabic & English

مقالات نارام سرجون في الأزمة السورية

أخبار الفحيص

مرصد الظواهر وقبس الخواطر ، تأليف حنا ميخائيل سلامه نعمان

سؤال وجواب في الكتاب المقدس ، تأليف منذر بدر

موقع شاعر الأردن سليمان المشيني

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Fr. Hanna Kildani. Martyrs of Jordan Church. P.O.B. 246. Zip code 11732. Marj Alhamam, Amman, Jordan


-Tel & Fax: ++ 962 6 5713007   Mob. ++ 962 79 5600638   -Skype: kildani1


This Book

   I am placing this book in the hands of readers who love knowledge and history. In my endeavors to write this book, I only sought the truth inasmuch as the Lord gave me strength to complete this work. I am not claiming perfection. Perfection belongs to the Lord only.

   History is the life of man. We are not condemning man because we love him, all the more so because the Lord has taught us to do so.

   The history of the Church is a significant part of the heritage of mankind. There is a hidden treasure in this history, namely, the love of God, for mankind. "We are only the earthenware jars that hold this treasure" (2Co 4: 7). So you will have to distinguish between the jars; history, and the treasure; power of love that comes from God.

   Read what we wrote to you,  not for the purpose of making you escape to the past or to make you preoccupied with its successes and failures, but to carve the present and to build the promising future. History is a march toward tomorrow, not a retreat toward yesterday. "I forgot the past and I strain ahead for what is still to come". (Ph 3:14).

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