Friday, October 04, 2013

In Contraceptive Mandate Case, Court Allows Only Limited Delay For DOJ Because of Government Shut-Down

In Priests For Life v. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, (D DC, Oct. 2, 2013), a D.C. federal district court denied the government's motion for a Stay of Litigation in Light of a Lapse of Appropriations in a suit challenging the final rules on application of the Affordable Care Act contraceptive coverage mandate to non-profit religious organizations. The Department of Justice sought the stay because DOJ attorneys, except in limited circumstances, are barred from working during the current government shut-down. However since previously the parties had agreed on various streamlining procedures conditioned on a court decision by December 31, the court concluded that only a limited extension of the briefing schedule would be granted. The government must now file its response to plaintiff's motion by Oct. 17. ACLJ issued a press release on the ruling. (See prior related posting.)