Law and Religion Headlines

Sunday, 8 July 2012

Zakah to Fight Nigeria Poverty
(Rafiu Oriyomi, OnIslam)

Saturday, 7 July 2012

The HHS mandate and ‘hidden agendas’
(Michael Poterma, National Review Online)

André Carson, Indiana congressman, says U.S. public schools should be modeled after Islamic schools
(Laura Hibbard, Huff Post Education)

California bill would widen definition of parenthood to include LGBT families
(Tara Culp-Ressler, Think Progress)

Christians in India fear newly recommended anti-conversion laws
(Myles Collier, The Christian Post)

Clashes in Nigeria's volatile Jos kill 10
(Chicago Tribune)

From rhetoric to target: The Islamic State of Iraq
(Robin Simcox, The Henry Jackson Society)

Head of Religious Affairs directorate visits Fener Greek Patriarch Bartholomew
(Turkish Press)

It’s Bad Leadership, Not Population, Mr. President
(Nigeria Intel)

New declaration calls for greater religious freedom globally
(Ginny Mooney, The Christian Post (Singapore edition))

Presbyterian church rejects same-sex marriage
(G. Jeffrey MacDonald, The Christian Science Monitor)

Proposed blasphemy law in Kurdistan would protect Christians as well as Muslims
(Allison J. Althoff, Christianity Today)

Rowan Williams: I long to see women bishops in CofE
(Christian Today)

Separating church, state
(Robert Hoffman, Santa Maria Times)

Sex abuse and the study of religion
(Kathyn Lofton, The Immanent Frame)

The Egyptian elections
(The Editors, The Immanent Frame)

The future of Islam in Egypt
(Waleed El-Ansary, Common Ground News Service)

U.S. Jews speak up on religious freedom in Israel
( Rabbi Eric H. Yoffie, Haaretz)

What will the Muslim Brotherhood’s election mean for Egypt’s women and minorities?
(Samer Libdeh, The Henry Jackson Society)

Friday, 6 July 2012

Ban on headscarves may limit freedoms
(Andrea Estrada - UCSB, Futurity)

Buddhism might be elective course
(Göksel Bozkurt, Hürriyet Daily News)

Churches should be free to conduct gay marriages, says Clegg
(Nicholas Watt, The Guardian)

Court strikes down NYC ban on churches using public school buildings
(Michelle Baurman, EWTN via Kresta in the Afternoon)

Emiratis want crackdown on women's skimpy dress
(Michael Casey, Associated Press)

ICC lawyer says her actions in Libya were legal
(Mike Corder, Associated Press)

Indian martyr an example for Christians suffering persecution
(Catholic News Agency)

International religious freedom
(Most Rev. John Vlazny, Archbishop of Portland, Catholic Sentinel)

Is the ruling in Germany anti-circumcision?
(Rabbi Shmuel Herzfeld, Huffington Post)

Italy established observatory on religious freedom
(Forum for Religious Freedom Europe)

Jewish groups receive huge share of Homeland Security grants
(Josh Nathan-Kazis, The Jewish Daily Forward)

Kazakhstan unveils Central Asia's largest mosque
(Associated Press)

Kenya Christians, Muslims unite against terrorist threat
(Stoyan Zaimov, The Christian Post (Singapore Edition))

Kyrgyzstan: Prosecutor General preparing new banning suit
(Mushfig Bayram, Forum 18 News Service)

Military chaplains: End of ‘don’t ask’ ban on gays hasn’t fueled turmoil that outsiders feared
(Associated Press via Washington Post)

NTC: Libya doesn’t need referendum to adopt sharia law
(Middle East Online)

Religious freedom confusions: Banning mosques and vouchers for Muslim schools
(John Tomasic, The Colorado Independent)

Sri Lanka, Christian activist wins National Peace Award
(Melani Manel Perera,

Sweeping religious persecution under the rug
(Deborah Weiss, The Washington Times)

U.K. bans Indian Mujahideen
(The Hindu)

York defendant thankful for penance
(Shawn Cetrone, Herold Online)

Thursday, 5 July 2012

Christians in India, fresh attacks on religious freedom
(Nirmala Carvalho,

Christians who faced disciplinary measures at work over witnessing urge Church of England's General Synod to back them
(Press Release, Christian Concern)

Constituent Assembly: Constitution to define religious freedom
(Aswat Masriya )

Demand of separate Christian province is voice of 20 million Pakistani Christians
(Pakistan Christian Post)

Evangelical population explodes in Brazil as Catholic Church shows signs of decline
(Andrea Madambashi, Christian Post)

France must return 4.6 mn euros to Jehovah's Witnesses

Iraqi Christian group: We still want our own independent region
(Abdul-Khaleq Dosky, Niqash)

Kashmiri religious group issues dress code for tourists
(Indo Asian News Service via Yahoo News)

More Reform rabbis agreeing to officiate at intermarriages
(Penny Schwartz, JTA)

Op-ed: The growing abuse of 'religious freedom'
(Frank Debernardo, Advocate)

Pakistanis kill man accused of insulting Quran
(Munir Ahmed, Associated press)

Pew Forum Weekly Religion News Update

Religious liberty & Marriage: FAQs
(United States Conference of Catholic Bishops)

Religious liberty victory for NYC churches
(Sarah Torre, The Foundry)

Right to Religion - HP High Court adjourns hearing (India)
(Law et al. News)

The plight of Egypt’s Copts – Washington Speech – “Respect for religious liberty and minorities – the hallmarks of a civilised society”
(David Alton)

Tunisia university dean in court in veil standoff
(Bouazza Ben Bouazza, Associated Press)

Turkey moves to reduce cesarean surgeries
(Associated Press)

Why scientists don't like the term 'God Particle' for Higgs boson
(Sarah Pulliam Bailey, Christianity Today)

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

A season of civility: Religion and public life
(Parker J. Palmer, Huff Post Religion)

Canadian senators warn United Church over Israel boycott
(Campbell Clark, The Globe and Mail)

CHP criticizes EU for lacking ‘objectivity’
(Hürriyet Daily News)

George Washington's defense of religious freedom
(Jane Eisner, The Takeaway)

Hunting, animals, and the evolving landscape of rights
(Rosalind English, UK Human Rights Blog)

In the beginning: Religious freedom in the country's founding moments
(Michael Meyerson, Huff Post Religion)

Indonesia: Religious violence drops, still 'worrisome
(Adnkronos International)

Is the Quran a 'constitution'?
(Mustafa Akyol, Hürriyet Daily News)

Italian religious liberty expert worries US on path to anti-Christian violence
(David Kerr, Catholic News Agency)

Lawsuits against HHS mandate continue despite Obamacare ruling
(Steven Ertelt, LifeNews)

Muslim pilot linked to suspected terrorists loses case against BA
(Katie Hodge, The Independent)

New book by Global and International Studies scholar examines the politics of headscarves
(USCB Press Release)

Observatory on Religious Liberty commences in Rome
(Ann Schneible, Zenit)

Religious figures meet at conference to back plans to legalise civil gay marriage
(Andrew Grice, The Independent)

Ruling did not expel religion from public schools
(Charles C. Haynes, Daily Record)

Sacred Sufi shrines destroyed by Islamists in Mali
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Uzbekistan: After four years' imprisonment, another 30 months
(Felix Corley, Forum 18 News Service)

Vinh: Catholics targeted by thugs and authorities. Dozens of faithful injured.
(Nguyen Hun,

Wisconsin Supreme Court takes faith healing death case
(Religion News Blog)

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Afghanistan: Draft law threatens media freedom
(Human Rights Watch)

Appeals court upholds off-campus religious classes
(Seanna Adcox, Associated Press via Charlotte Observer)

Austria celebrates 'model' law on Islam
(Bethany Bell, BBC News)

Christian, Muslim leaders condemn church attacks in Kenya
(Fredrick Nzwili, ENInews)

Democracy without tolerance: Violence against minorities in Indonesia
(Andy Budiman, from German by Aingeal Flanagan,

Diplomacy failing, West faces tough Syria choices
(Peter Apps, Reuters)

Ex-Norton police officer files religious discrimination lawsuit against city
(Ed Meyer, Akron Beacon Journal Online)

Followers of Brazil’s Umbanda religion worship despite discrimination
(Somer Wiggins, , McClatchy Newspapers)

Fortnight for Freedom: Whose religious liberty?
(Jessica Coblentz, Religion & Politics)

France: Collateral damage of France's anti-sect policies: societal hostility to the construction of a Mormon temple
(Willy Fautré, Human Rights Without Frontiers)

India: Flaunting unenlightened attitudes – religious discrimination by the BSF
(Asian Human Rights Commission)

Is America a Christian nation?
(David Lose, Huffington Post)

Jew lauded religious freedom in Iran
(Ahlul Bayt News Agency)

Muslims are well-integrated in Britain – but no one seems to believe it
(Leon Moosavi, The Guardian)

Myanmar: 30 arrested in the killings of Muslims
(Reuters, New York Times)

Nepal: Beyond the Maoist split: The political impasse to continue
(Monalisa Adhikari, Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses)

New articles on ECHR
(Antoine Buyse, ECHR Blog)

Nigeria: Ban on religious programmes on EBBC - South East CAN condemns Ebonyi govt action
(Peter Okutu, All Africa)

Religious leaders denounce attacks on Timbuktu shrines
(The International News (Pakistan))

Sikh man deported to Afghanistan returned to UK
(New York Daily News)

Somali constitution must defend religious freedom: donors
(AFP via Yahoo News)

Touareg Islamist group Ansar Al-Din seeks support In jihadist forums
(Raby Ould Idoumou , Magharebia)

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