Law and Religion Headlines

Friday, 4 May 2012

Upcoming Event: Negotiating Religious Pluralism in Europe: Between the EU and the ECHR – Strasbourg, 28th June 2012

Thursday, 3 May 2012

'Azerbaijan must not allow EU, US to use tension with Iran, Russia'
(F.H., News.Az)

American Indian Religious Freedom Act suit against NCAA dismissed
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Bishops and extractive industries: A human face of mining
(Katherine Marshall, Huff Post Religion)

Church wins zoning appeal; city surrenders
(Jeff Gasser, The Becket Fund)

Dalai Lama mocks China’s interest in naming his successor
(Campbell Clark, The Globe and Mail [Ottawa])

Diversity rising: Census shows Mormons, nondenominational churches, Muslims spreading out across U.S.
(David Briggs, Association of Religion Data Archives)

Forced marriage campaign targets mosques in Scotland
(Poonam Taneja , BBC)

Governor vetoes religious liberty at Vanderbilt
(David French, American Center for Law and Justice)

How US pastor Terry Jones gets away with It – OpEd
(Kourosh Ziabari, Eurasia Review)

Judge tosses lawsuit from tribes on Fighting Sioux nickname
(Associated Press, Fox

Kazakh authorities against Christians, Jehovah's Witnesses and Hare Krishna

Letter: Religious liberty, Christianity and politics
(Allan Palmer, Caribbean News Now!)

NC lawyers' group holds marriage question debate

Nigeria: U.S. - We're concerned about attacks on media, churches

Pew Forum Weekly Religion News Update

Religion and campaign finance reform mix: Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf to talk elections
(Sam Levin, The Village Voice)

Religion: Tensions building between women, Vatican leaders
(Terry Mattingly, The Republic)

Religious freedom expert faults Obama’s prayer proclamation
(Michelle Bauman, Catholic News Agency)

Sikh group launches phone app to report unfair airport screeners, 2 complaints already made
(Associated Press)

The Becket Fund fights for religious liberty: An interview with Hannah Smith
(The Insider)

Tunisian court case exposes rift over free speech in new democracy
(Marc Fisher, The Washington Post)

Turkey's artists protest Islamist censorship after 'secret obscenities'
(Seclan Hacaoglu, Huff Post Culture)

Turkey's new constitution and Protestants
(Orhan Kemal Cengiz, Today's Zaman)

West Java, a mosque beside the church, a solution to the Yasmin Church dispute
(Mathias Hariyadi,

West looks to the East for growth as Islamic finance comes centre stage
(Fionna Reddan, Irish Times)

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

AG: RI memorial with cross 'transcends religion'
(Erika Niedowski, Associated Press via Boston Globe)

Brazil: Italian missionary killed
(MISNA, Eurasian Review)

Czech bishops on European Court of Human Rights decision
(Jiří Gračka, Press Office of the Czech Bishops)

Dan Savage offends with comments on Christianity
(Michelle Boorstein, The Washington Post)

DOJ downplays expectation for hate crimes law
(Carrie Johnson, NPR)

Ethics for everyone: Morality, science, and religion
(Michalel W. Austin, Psychology Today)

Federal court reinstates TX ban on abortion funding
(Charlie Butts, One News Now)

Human rights abusers barred from U.K.
(Hasan Suroor, The Hindu)

Indonesia: EU dialogue should press for progress on rights
(Human Rights Watch)

Islamist fighters enforcing hard-line religious law in northern Mali
(Associated Press)

Jewish pilgrims return to Tunisa
(Monia Ghanmi, Magharebia via Eurasia Review)

Libya drops ban on religion-based parties
(Reuters, The Chicago Tribune)

Muslim Americans and Republicans: enemies, allies or friends?
(Omar Sacirbey, Common Ground News Service)

New journal launch — Religion & Politics: Fit for Polite Company
(Ben P., Juvenile Instructor)

New USCIRF Commissioner appointed — Honorable Sam Gejdenson

Nine lawsuits for religious freedom – a brief rundown of arguments
(Fr. Frank Pavone, Catholic Lane)

Op-Ed: What is a Christian Nation?
(Jason Hines, ReligiousLiberty.TV)

Religion & Politics goes live May 1
(Deb Parker1, Washington State University)

Religion & Politics: Fit for Polite Company
(Cathleen Kaveny, Commonweal)

Religion Census charts congregations: 2010 survey is first to list independent evangelical bodie
(Manya A. Brachear, The Republic)

Religion news in brief

Religion see as less a factor in 2012 vote
(Gary Rosenblatt, The Jewish Week [New York])

Religion versus free speech: Koran burning re-ignites demands for prohibitions on Koran burning
(Joanthan Turley, Res Ipsa Loquitur (Blog))

Resources regarding Obama HHS Mandate
(Priests for Life)

Seminary to honor Planned Parenthood officials
(Associated Press, One News Now)

Some critical reflections on the silences on secularism: A Response to Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunge
(P. Vijaya, Groundviews)

Survey describes faith behind bars
(Helen T. Gray, McClatchy Newspapers via Kansas City Star)

Teheran condemns Koran burning by U.S. clelrgyman
(Radio Free Europe Radio Liberty)

The Cross is a ‘a requirement of the Christian faith’
(Francis Phillips, Catholic

The Palestinian revolution – OpEd
(Moshe Dann, Eurasia Review)

The simple facts of a simple amendment
(Robert L. Deucher, The Pilot)

Voices of Faith: What's the point of all the religious rituals?
(Syed E. Hasan, McClatchy Newspapers via Kansas City Star)

Welcome to Religion & Politics
(Marie Griffith, Religion and Politics)

Wheaton College upholds Christian values despite new law
(Philip Graham Ryken, Daily Herald [Illinois])

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

The battle of Vanderbilt: The Tennessee legislature comes through
(David French, National Review Online)

2010 U.S. Religion Census Released
(Association of Religion Data Archives)

Anti-Shariah bills cross faith lines
(Hesham A. Hassaballa, Patheos)

Arizona's selective separation of church and state
(Linda Valdez,

Bibles to stay in Air Force lodging — Sort of …
(Dave Bohon, The New American)

Bombs target alcohol businesses in south Lebanon
(Bassem Mroue
, Associated Press )

Brahama community agitates for peace
(Daily News Tanzania)

Bruning to press religious liberty lawsuit despite motion to dismiss
(Brent Martin, Nebraska Radio Network)

Catholic Church 'encouraging pupils to sign anti-gay marriage petition'
(Lucy Sherriff, The Huffington Post UK)

Celebrating Law Day
(Barrett Bowdre, What So Proudly We Hail)

Christian’s six-year sentence for blasphemy upheld in Egypt
(Compass Direct News)

Debates urges Arab world to protect religious minorities
(Peter Townson, Gulf Times)

Espagne: le Conseil constitutionnel étudiera une pétition pour interdire le Coran
(Talpa brusseliensis christiana)

Extremists teach children to pray against Bible Clubs in India
(Mission News Network)

Geneva College's health law suit called premature
(Rich Lord, Post Gazette)

HHS Secretary: No legal memo on religious freedom issues in birth control mandate
(Napp Nazworth, The Christian Post)

Hindus upset at Wesleyan Univ. posters banning Holi celebrants’ entry to student center
(Eurasia Review)

House candidate and rising GOP star is black, female - and Mormon
(Dan Gilgoff, CNN Belief Blog)

Irish government to give full legal status to Pagan weddings
(Patrick Counihan, Irish Central)

June issue of The Review of Faith & International Affairs will focus on "Religion and American Exceptionalism"
(Institute for Global Engagement)

Palestinian Christians against the occupation
(Philip Farah, Huffingtonpost)

Pastor, 20 worshippers killed in Nigeria church attacks
(Anugrah Kumar, The Christian Post)

Priests must break confessional seal: Irish government introduces anticipated bill
(Hilary Whie, Talpa brusseliensis christiana)

Pro-Divestment group seeks rebound in plenary after committee rejection
(Jeff Walton, The Institute on Religion and Democracy)

Religion and taxes: Lawmakers eye ND measures

Religious freedom - A vanishing right in Middle East, Africa
(Open Doors USA, The Sacramento Bee)

Sibelius' Constitution
(Editorial, The New York Sun)

Turkey: Selective progress on conscientious objection
(Mine Yildirim, Forum 18 News Service)

Monday, 30 April 2012

'Let women in hijab in Olympics', FIFA VP tells AFP

'Religious Freedom' amendment combustible mix of religion, politics
(The St. Augustine Record)

“Guest workers” of Peter the Great’s time
(Mikhail Aristov, The Voice of Russia)

Beyond establishment
(Lori G. Beaman, The Immanent Frame)

Beyond establishment, via culture
(Matthew Cantirino, First Things)

China promotes Buddhist protege
(ENI , The Christian Century)

Cincinnati woman's suit may refine limits on rules for church-school teachers
(Associated Press,

Column: Church closes racial divide
(Tom Krattenmaker, USA Today)

Florida voters face choice over religion, politics
(Anthony Man, Orlando Sun Sentinel)

How religious leaders can peacefully comment on political issues
(Nathan Kaija, New Vision [Uganda])

International religious and cultural leaders convene in Kiev for interfaith forum
(The Jewish Press)

Joining church and estate
(Rachel Emma Silverman, The Wall Street Journal)

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