Law and Religion Headlines
Monday, 2 April 2012
New Baltimore archbishop prepares to take on controversial issues
(Mary Bubala, CBS Baltimore)
On school choice, Jews can have their Lekach and eat it, too
(Andrew J. Colson, Cato@Liberty)
Religious practice alive and well in America
(Sarah Torre, The Foundry)
Why sign the Manhattan Declaration?
(Blog, Manhattan
Will the Obamacare decision influence the HHS mandate?
(Mark Rienzi, National Review Online)
Sunday, 1 April 2012
Anti-bias policies drive some religious groups off campuses
(Bob Smietana, USA Today)
Concert at U.S. military post geared toward atheists
(USA Today)
J'accuse ... France of institutionalized discrimination
(Mallika Kaur,
Saturday, 31 March 2012
Amid global suspicion and mayhem, a route to religious understanding
(Douglas Todd, The Vancouver Sun)
Ballot language on Missouri Free Exercise constitutional amendment upheld
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)
Film banned for blasphemy to be released after two decades
(Jasper Copping, The Telegraph)
French candidate wants to put church-state separation into constitution
(Michael J. Strauss, The Christian Century)
Friday, 30 March 2012
Church subsidy reform signals Polish revolution
(AFP, France 24 International News)
Drive to release rights attorney in China pushes forward
(Edward Ross, Compass Direct News)
Malaysia in religious row over 'threat of Christianity'
(AFP, Yahoo! News)
Slide from secularism: Turkey's education bill
(The Daily Activist)
Turkish lawmakers adopt disputed education bill
(Suzan Fraser, Associated Press)
Thursday, 29 March 2012
Arizona immigration law threatens religious liberty, USCCB argues in court brief
Faith, Freedom, and the First Amendment: The guarantee of religious liberty
(Thomas Berg, The Heritage Foundation)
Religious freedom and the health-care law
(Kathryn Jean Lopez, National Review Online)
Wednesday, 28 March 2012
"Religious liberty" argument doesn't win over Arizona lawmakers
(Scott Alessi, U.S. Catholic)
Baptist leader says NC crucial in marriage debate
(Tom Breen, Myrtle Beach Online)
Katrina Lantos Swett Appointed USCIRF Commissioner
(Lantos Foundation for Human Rights and Justice)
North Dakota religious liberty measure a reaction to 1990 ruling
(Stephen J. Lee, Grand Forks Herald)
The politics of religious freedom: Religious freedom between truth and tactic
(Samuel Moyn, The Immanent Frame: Secularism, religion, and the public sphere)
Tuesday, 27 March 2012
Forced religious conversions hike Pakistan minorities' fears
(Associated Press, Fox News)
Monday, 26 March 2012
Can religious freedom be saved?
((An online symposium), National Review Online)
The Constitution vs. Obamacare
(Editorial, National Review Online)
Two USCIRF Commissioners appointed
(Press Release,
Sunday, 25 March 2012
Guest column: The HHS Mandate and the First Amendment
(Patrick T. Gillen, Naples
Saturday, 24 March 2012
UN Human Rights Council extends mandate of Iran monitor
Friday, 23 March 2012
The Annual Report of the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF)
(Consulate General of Turkey)
U.S. silent on top Saudi cleric’s call to ‘destroy churches’
(Patrick Goodenough, CNS News)
Wednesday, 8 February 2012
Pussy Riot appeal to the European Court of Human Rights
(Grigory Tumanov, Pavel Korobov, Kommersant, Russia Beyond the Headlines)
Wednesday, 4 January 2012
Pope: "gratuitous speculation" on the issue of stolen documents, "renewed confidence in my staff"
Saturday, 31 December 2011
Ahmedabad couple in trouble for religious conversion
(The Times of India)
Wednesday, 21 December 2011
Essex dads to sue over same-sex marriage ban
(Christian Concern)
Wednesday, 1 January 1653
Southern Africa bishops want more coordination on migrants
(La Croix International)
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