Law and Religion Headlines

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Gay marriage: whose yes, whose no?
(Elizabeth Scalia, First Things (First Thoughts blog))

Catholics, Lutherans jointly to mark Reformation anniversary
(Tom Heneghan and Tom Miles, Reuters)

Conservative moms slam Kraft over naked 'Zesty Guy'
(Michael Winter, USA Today)

Don't dismiss this (Abortion)
(Kathryn Jean Lopez, National Review: The Corner)

Abortion: Sacred ground?
(Kathryn Jean Lopez, National Review)

Obamacare versus the First Amendment
(Stephanie Slade, U.S. News and World Report)

Religious freedom under threat at home
(William E. Lori, The Baltimore Sun)

Same-sex marriage and religious freedom, fundamentally at odds
(Matthew J. Ftanck, The Witherspoon Institute (Public Discourse Blog))

Islamists' long reach over Egypt as suspected terrorist is appointed Luxor governor

Hindus upset with Cavill comparing Superman with Hindu Gods
(Punjab News)

Most Russian Orthodox don’t read Bible, pray, go to church
(Ria Novosti)

Tunisia faces political struggle over Islam
(Edward Cody, The Washington Post)

Milwaukee Jewish groups launching 'Hours Against Hate'
(Annysa Johnson, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel)

School prayer: 50 years after the ban, God and faith more present than ever
(Lee Lawrence, The Christian Science Monitor)

Study says gays find most U.S. faiths unfriendly
(Adelle M. Banks, The Washington Post)

Appeals court OK’s pastor’s suit against Oklahoma license plate
(Greg Horton, Religion News Service)

Hearing officer says Christian pregnancy center is eligible in government loan program
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

In important decision, New Hampshire court invalidates tax credit scholarships to sectarian schools
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

N. Korean religious leaders call for inter-Korean talks
(Yonhap News Agency)

US criticized for ignoring religious minorities in the Middle East
(Kuwait News Agency)

Baptist dissenters hold "illegal religious gatherings" in Uzbekistan

A more secular Europe, divided by the Cross
(Andrew Higgins, The New York Times)

European Parliament recommendation to the Council on the draft EU guidelines on the promotion and protection of freedom of religion or belief

G.O.P.pushes new abortion limits to appease vocal base
(Jeremy W. Peters, The New York Times)

Quebec lifts turban ban, but allegations of intolerance linger
(Ron Csillag, Religion News Service)

Monday, 17 June 2013

Abu Islam sentenced to 11 years hard labour
(Basil El-Dabh, Daily News Egypt)

African-Americans and gay marriage–its complicated
(Michel Martin, NPR)

Albania celebrates 100 years of religious tolerance
(Peter M. Tase and Arta Musara, Peter Tase)

Archbishops to ask clergy: 'Are you having gay sex?'
(John Bingham, The Telegraph)

Baptist leader urges respect for Semchenko's presumption of innocence
(Paul D. Steeves, Russia Religious News, Stetson University)

Bishop Zziwa calls for teaching of religion in schools
(Juliet Lukwago, New Vision (Uganda))

Bulgarian Orthodox Church urges cancellation of LGBT parade
(Sofia News Agency)

Can Burma make a comprehensive peace deal with ethnic Kachin? - OpEd
(Zin Linn, Asian Correspondent)

Christian college expels student over lesbian relationship - and then demands $6,000 in tuiton
(Alex Kane, AlterNet)

Citizens of the world and citizens of Turkey - the Occupy Gezi protests
(Elena Cirkovic, TransConflict)

Citizens speak out against religious extremism
(Muhamet Brajshori, SE Times)

Culture, faith and politics in Paraguay - OpEd
(Raquel Elizabeth Iglesias, Eurasia Review)

England: Woman who aborted baby at 40 weeks has jail term reduced
(Christian Concern)

French Senate and National Assembly members meet with Pope Francis
(Junno Arocho Esteves, Zenit)

From Babel to Pentecost
(B.C., The Economist-- Erasmus blog)

Holy See and Vietnam issue press release after 4th round of talks on bilateral relations
(Vatican Radio)

Human rights center of World Russian People's Council asks to recognize Judas and Jesus cartoon as extremist

Indonesian police under pressure over ban on headscarf
(The Sun Daily)

Islam brings Moroccans, Indonesians close
(Veeramalla Anjaiah, The Jakarta Post)

Knesset panel’s debate on civil unions postponed over language
(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

Latin American religious backtrack on Pope and gay lobby
(Catholic News Agency)

Massacres by Islamic extremists bolster Bashar al-Assad

Milan: Oasis: benefits and risks of secularization in Muslim-Christian sphere

New Zealand: Jewish Community to Sue over Kosher Ban
(International Religious Freedom News)

Obama lectures Irish Christians on divisiveness
(Martin Barillas, Spero News)

Religious liberty amendment opposed - OpEd
(William Donohue, Eurasia Review)

Religious propaganda will affect national polls too
(Kamran Reza Chowdhury, Dhaka Tribune)

Religious winds of changes are blowing in Israel
(The Canadian Jewish News)

Russia sees end to U.S. row as historic Jewish texts moved to museum

Saudi Arabia urges pilgrims to postpone Haj if they can
(Zee News)

Secret religious schools with kidnapped pupils discovered in Tajikistan

Selected materials on marriage cases
(Ed Whelan, Bench Memos)

Silence my voice, not my religion
(Stephanie R. Caudle, Huff Post Religion)

Study: Media coverage has more pro than con views on same-sex marriage as court took arguments
(Associated Press, Washington Post)

Superman: Flying to a church near you
(Eric Marrapodi, CNN Belief Blog)

Supreme Court ruling 50 years ago set modern course for religion in public schools
(Matthew Brown, Deseret News)

Survey: Gay and lesbian population has unique religious profile
(Matthew Brown, Deseret News)

Suspect apprehended in Bat Yam synagogue vandalism
(Aryeh Savir, The Jewish Press)

Symposium tries to bridge the gap between science and faith
(Mariana Tomarro, EWTN Global Catholic News)

Uganda: Clerics want condoms restricted
(Patson Baraire, New Vision)

United Methodist Church welcomes Scouts displaced by Southern Baptists
(Jill McNeal, WATE 6 (Knoxville, Tennessee))

US Sikhs applaud lifting of Kirpan ban at Gurdwara of Rochester
(The Sikh Wire)

Why 72 per cent of Indonesians want sharia - OpEd
(Jennie S. Bev, Common Ground News Service)

Sunday, 16 June 2013

Religion and Law round up – 16th June
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

Saturday, 15 June 2013

2 Boy Scout leaders chided fot Utah Parade March
(AP, ABC News)

Authorities carry out "anti-terror raid" at the home of a 76-year-old Christian woman suffering from Parkinson

Buoyed by a new pope, priests gather to urge church reform
(David Gibson, The Washington Post)

Central Java: fatwa against Catholic schools, "forbidden" to Muslims
(Mathias Hariyadi,

Congress: Obamacare assaults religious freedom
(Sarah Torre, Heritage Foundation (The Foundry))

Dalai Lama tells Tibetans self-immolations must stop

Egypt: Author sentenced to five years for insulting religion

Extremists attack a peaceful Muslim-Christian conference in Surabaya
(Mathias Hariyadi,

Ghana: Vice President calls for religious co-operation
(Ghana Business News)

God-given victories are increasing religious freedom throughout America
(Alliance Defending Freedom, Christian Post)

India: Anti-Christian fundamentalism breaks out Maharashtra
(Nirmala Carvalho,

Malaysia to expel thousands of Myanmar nationals

Morality, not religion, should decide laws
(Chris Kaffenberger, Quad City Times)

Nigeria: Gunmen kill Borno CAN's Secretary

Obama picks former CRS head as new Vatican ambassador
(Jonathan Pitts, The Baltimore Sun)

Pakistan: Do women have the right to live in Islamic societies - when the protector becomes the violator
(Nida Paras, Asian Human Rights Commission)

Pope Francis’ first 100 days: What we’ve learned so far
(Sun Herald)

Religious leaders and their followers calling out for immigration reform
(Francine Knowles, Chicago Sun Times)

Remington Reimer, valedictorian whose speech was cut off, says school broke the law
(Rebecca Klein, Huffington Post)

Russian LGBT leader to sue co-author of bill on fines for homosexual propaganda

Soccer ban on Sikh turbans leads to backlash against Quebec
(Ron Csillag, The Washington Post)

The political battlefield of late-term abortion
(Wesley J. Smith, The Corner)

TV Sheikh who insulted Egyptian actress, 1 step closer to jail
(Ahram Online)

Friday, 14 June 2013

IRS targeting goes back decades, houses of worship have been main targets
(Daniel Blomberg, Eric Rassbach, Fox News)

A survey of LGBT Americans (views on religion)
(The Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life)

Upcoming cert decision in McCullen v. Coakley
(Ed Whelan, Bench Memos)

International Criminal Court dismisses abuse claims against the Vatican
(Alessandro Speciale, Religion News Service)

Wake-up calls: defending our religious freedoms
(John Stonestreet, BreakPoint)

What EEOC gets and HHS doesn’t
(Kyle Duncan, The Becket Fund for Religious Liberty)

States propel push toward same-sex marriage
(Brian Roewe, National Catholic Reporter)

Texas Gov. Rick Perry: Americans have no right to freedom from religion
(Eric W. Dolan, The Raw Story)

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