Law and Religion Headlines

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Kyrgyzstan: Criminal prosecutions to punish registration applications?
(Felix Corley, Forum 18 News Service)

Islamist fighters slip back into Timbuktu and are repelled by French and Malians
(Scott Sayare, The New York Times)

Myanmar fire kills 13 Muslim students, adding to Buddhist-Muslim tensions
(Whitney Eulich, The Christian Science Monitor)

Egypt: Coptic Christians must be protected from sectarian violence
(Catholic Information Service for Africa)

Uganda: Seventh-day Adventist Church rejects marriage bill
(Luke Kagiri, New Vision)

Uganda: Loopholes in the marriage and divorce bill – OpEd
(Haji Nsereko Mutumba, New Vision)

Ethiopia: Muslim protesters face unfair trial
(Human Rights Watch)

Parents: Speechless after Pope hugged disabled son
(Associated Press, The Miami Herald)

Insight: Pope to review Vatican bureaucracy, scandal-ridden bank
(Philip Pullella, Reuters)

How many U.S. Christians believe Christ's 'second coming' will happen soon? More than you may think
(Dominique Mosbergen, Huffington Post)

Muslims redefining community
(Engy Abdelkader, Huffington Post)

Brazilian evangelist has big plans for U.S.
(Andre Tartar, Religion News Service)

Groups: Remove Jesus portrait from Ohio school
(Lisa Cornwell, San Francisco Chronicle)

The war on generosity
(Luke Moon, The Institute on Religion & Democracy)

Texas: Judge rules city must let religious charities feed the hungry
(David Ward, Deseret News)

Philippines: The Supreme Court as religious enforcer
(Oscar Franklin Tan, Philippine Daily Inquirer)

Nigeria: Jonathan to terrorists: ‘Stop using religion to justify violence’

Pope Francis’ humble actions cut across religious lines
(Mary Mitchell, Chicago Sun-Times)

Monday, 1 April 2013

Krauthammer warns: Gay marriage case could lead to all-out ‘assault on religion’
(Madeleine Morgenstern, The Blaz)

Christians and religious liberty in America on Easter Sunday, 2013
(Ken Klukowski, Breitbart)

Government lifts universal church ban
(Angola Press)

Liberia: Christians call for referendum
(E.J. Nathaniel Daygbor, The New Dawn)

Uganda: Catholic church leadership on trial
(The Independent)

NATO air strike kills two Afghan children, nine Taliban fighters
(Radio Free Europe)

Myanmar president directs security forces to use force to quell communal violence – Analysis
(B. Raman, Eurasia Review)

Antagonism among Muslims in Sri Lanka – OpEd
(Dr. Daya Hewapathirane, Eurasia Review)

British judges reject bid to deport Muslim cleric
(Alan Cowell, New York Times)

India: Muslim law board gives in to gender
(Iftikhar Gilani, Daily News & Analysis)

Anti-atheist discrimination at the post office
(Mark Silk, Religion News Service)

Witness: Man yelled about God after church killing
(Seattle Post Intelligencer)

Francis to pray at tomb of Peter, first pope, in visit to Vatican necropolis
(Frances D'Emilo, Montreal Gazette)

Cardinal Timothy Dolan: no gay marriage but church could be more welcoming to gays
(Associated Press, Huffington Post)

President Obama offers Easter and Passover greetings
(Eurasia Review)

Abbas and Abdullah sign deal to 'defend' Jerusalem and its sacred sites
(Al Bawaba News)

In his first Easter as pope, Francis calls for peace in his own style
(Emanuella Grinberg, CNN)

Georgian Church against ratification of European Charter on minority languages
(Civil Georgia)

Pontiff Shivamurthy Murugarajendra Swami for distance between politics and religion
(ND Shiva Kumara, The Times of India)

Oh! what a lovely conclave
(Stella Fletcher, OUP Blog)

Uyghur jailings highlight Chinese media controls
(Radio Free Asia)

Nigeria: 14 Boko Haram militants killed in Kano raid
(Samantha Stainburn, Global Post)

Religion ghost in school voucher story?
(Bobby Ross Jr., Patheos Blog: GetReligion)

Myanmar president warns against religious intolerance
(AFP, Radio Australia)

MIC threatens action against Zul Noordin for belittling Malaysian Hindus
(Anisah Shukry, FMT News)

Hugo Chavez gains religious glow in Venezuela
(Jack Chang, Huff Post Religion)

Muslim group prevails on Free Exercise and RLUIPA substantial burden challenges to zoning denial
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Sikh man cites religion in lawsuit against gun controls
(David Sherfinski, The Washington Times)

Appeals court remands church property dispute for determination of whether plaintiffs were church members
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Judge rules 9/11 museum can include World Trade Center cross
(Kristina Sgueglia, CNN)

Abu Qatada, rise of the secret court and the European Question – The Human Rights Roundup
(Sarina Kidd, UK Human Rights Blog)

Judge not? Gay marriage and the Supreme Court
(The Economist)

Religion and Law round up – 31st March
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

Last week not a good one for Theresa May: not just Abu Qatada
(David Hart QC, UK Human Rights Blog)

Family groups warn of ‘explosive’ consequences if High Court affirms homosexual ‘marriage’
(Heather Clark, Christian News)

Opinion: How to avoid dress-code discrimination claims in the workplace
(Travel Weekly)

EWTN vows no compromise after HHS lawsuit dismissal
(Catholic News Agency)

Court moves forward with atheist family's suit against Acton schools over 'God' in Pledge
(Lisa Redmond, Lowell Sun)

Spoof religion to appeal recognition to EU Court
(Jack Quann, News Talk)

Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster vow to take Poland to European court
(Matthew Day, The Telegraph)

Some of church officer's liability to synod not dischargeable in bankruptcy
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Federal judge rules that Dallas’ homeless feeding ordinance violates ministries’ religious freedoms
(Robert Wilonsky, Dallas News)

Employer must accommodate sincere religious belief even if not part of formal religion's doctrines
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Proposal targets anonymous lawsuits in Pennsylvania
(Renatta Signorini, Trib Live News)

Germany: Bans on dancing on Good Friday draw protests
(Laura Stevens, The Wall Street Journal)

DOMA's real threat: enshrining one religious view over others
(The Rev. Alexis Fuller-Wright, Kennebec Journal)

Three attorneys discuss religious liberty, same-sex marriage laws and the Supreme Court
(Juan Perla, Jason Hines and Michael Peabody, ReligiousLiberty.TV (mp3 Download))

Whoa! Questions about marriage and religious liberty!
(Mollie, Patheos Blog: GetReligion)

Morning Bell: Don’t stop our freedom to debate
(Amy Payne and Jennifer Marshall, The Foundry)

An inconvenient federalism: Marriage and religious liberty
(Benjamin Domenech, Heartlander Magazine)

David Cameron and Theresa May have clashed with the ECHR, but tying the hands of governments is essential for a healthy democracy
(Sophia In't Veld, The Independent)

Brussels: European capital or Islamic center?
(Michael Curtis, American Thinker)

Saturday, 30 March 2013

11th Circuit upholds city's prayer policy
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Human rights ombudsman Lukin to continue seeking reversal of Pussy Riot sentence
(Russia beyond the Headlines)

Constantine and Easter
(David Potter, OUP Blog)

Word ‘Easter’ axed to make egg hunt ‘inclusive’
(The Christian Institute)

Pope extends hand of friendship to "Muslim brothers and sisters" during Good Friday rite
(Associated Press, Fox News)

Vatican: Pope washing women inmates' feet a 'beautiful' gesture
(Catholic News Agency)

Friday, 29 March 2013

New York judge tosses lawsuit over Sept. 11 steel cross
(Larry Neumeister, Associated Press, The Washington Times)

Pope Francis washing women's feet in Holy Thursday ritual raises questions
(Agence France-Presse, Huffington Post)

Sustaining change in Myanmar – Analysis
(Col R. Hariharan, South Asia Analysis Group)

Canadian mosque and Pakistani church share more than 2013 anniversary
(Daood Hamdani, Common Ground News Service)

Tenth Circuit grants Hobby Lobby full court hearing
(Contact Jeff Gasser, The Becket Fund for Religious Liberty)

BBC accused of provoking Christians with Mary Magdalene documentary
(John Bingham, The Telegraph)

Catholics nailed to cross in Philippine folk ritual that Church opposes

Bhutan makes condoms available to Buddhist monks to stop spread of STDs
(Vishal Arora, Huffington Post)

Sufi shrine blown up in latest religious attack in Libya

Hiding Judaism in Copenhagen: In Denmark, known for its historic tolerance, Jews are now threatened and told to remove their ‘Jewish hats’
(Michael Moynihan, Tablet)

Mass. Supreme Court to hear suit against 'under god' in pledge
(Michael Gryboski, Christian Post)

As Supreme Court considers DOMA and Prop 8, some black church leaders ponder change
(Mashaun D. Simon, The Grio)

Exhibit recalls Jewish refugees and Nazi prisoners held together in Canadian prisons
(Arno Rosenfeld, JTA)

Church teaching clear on Supreme Court cases on marriage
(Joseph Kenny, St. Louis Review)

Chaplain serves as first female Air Force rabbi
(Airman 1st Class Alexander W. Riedel,

Survey shows Easter services important for Americans
(Catholic News Agency)

Holy Week pilgrims visit NM shrine under new pope
(Associated Press, Washington Examiner)

Shroud of Turin real? New research dates relic to 1st century, time of Jesus Christ
(Meredith Bennett-Smith, Huffington Post)

Boston College, ACLU clash over condom giveaway
(John Bacon, Religion News Service)

Provo-Orem, Utah, is most religious U.S. metro area
(Frank Newport, Gallup)

Burma leader Thein Sein warns he'll use force to stop religious rioting if deadly clashes persist
(Associated Press, CBS News)

Thursday, 28 March 2013

Russia: Is "negative evaluation of Christianity" a crime?
(Geraldine Fagan, Forum 18 News Service)

Catholic TV network's challenge to contraceptive coverage mandate dismissed as not ripe
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Same-sex marriage ten years on: Lessons from Canada
(Bradley W. Miller, The Witherspoon Institute)

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