Law and Religion Headlines

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

India aims to end unlawful detention of Muslims
(Deutsche Welle)

A homeschool legal case that deserves the nation's attention
(Barrett Duke, Baptist Press)

German homeschoolers case has implications for religious freedom in America
(Erin Roach, Baptist Press)

Trailblazing cardinal recognized for leading movement to protect religious freedom

Reproductive justice, religious liberty, and pluralistic democracy
(Sally Steenland, Center for American Progress)

Virginia county faces $60,000 bill following legislative prayer suit
(Don Byrd, Baptist Joint Committee)

Religion news in brief
(The Washington Post – On Faith)

Church of England gives blessing to recognising civil partnerships
(John Bingham, The Telegraph)

Tyranny of the majority: ‘Military and religious groups are using religion to divide people’
(Press Release, The Express Tribune (Pakistan))

HKS panel encourages religion in the public sphere
(Bharath Venkatesh, The Harvard Crimson)

HHS contraceptive mandate threatens more than religious freedom
(Sheila Liaugminas, LifeSiteNews)

Force ‘gay marriage’ on Northern Ireland through courts: Amnesty International
(Hilary White, LifeSiteNews)

Kazakhstan: Never too old to be fined
(Felix Corley, Forum 18)

Religious Liberty Chair backs litigants opposing HHS Mandate
(United States Conference of Catholic Bishops)

Understanding the Muslim world
(Robert Repino, OUP Blog)

Australian broadcasting changes terminology after Hindus protest
(Eurasia Review)

Am I a dangerous extremist? Are you? – OpEd
(Alan Caruba, Eurasia Review)

Military archdiocese objects to Catholic 'extremist' label
(Catholic News Agency)

ERLC to HHS: Mandate is 'religious persecution'
(Tom Strode, Baptist Press)

Knights of Columbus call for end to HHS mandate
(Catholic News Agency)

French Senate approves gay marriage
(RIA Novosti)

Florist sued for refusing service to gay couple
(Associated Press, Komo News)

South Africa gay 'cure' school found guilty of human rights violation
(Dan Littauer, Gay Star News)

Russian lawmakers back prison terms for religious offence
(Gabriela Baczynska, Reuters)

Lebanon’s sects game: The problem with its byzantine political system
(Aryn Baker, TIME Magazine)

India: 'Bharatiya Janata Party will bring law against religious conversions if voted to power’
(The Hindu)

Rhetoric versus reality: The contraception benefit and religious freedom
(Elizabeth Sepper and Alisha Johnson, Religion & Politics)

Applying God’s law: Religious courts and mediation in the U.S.
(Pew Forum)

Toronto dad upset he's not allowed to watch daughter's swim class
(Jenny Yuen, Toronto Sun)

We cannot preach our religious doctrine as our politics and win
(B.J. Paschal, The News Sentinel)

Army email labels Christian ministries as “domestic hate groups”
(Todd Starnes, Fox News Radio)

“Anti-semitism, racism, xenophobia and religious intolerance” deeply entrenched in Maldivian political discourse: Dr Shaheed
(Minivan News)

New equality guidance "recommends best practice" rather than creates new rights, says expert

When a religious display is not a sign
(Charles Haynes, Delaware Online)

John Paul II statue in Poland at Jasna Gora will be world's tallest sculpture of beloved pontiff
(Monika Scislowska, Huffington Post)

Can a Catholic hoops conference save college sports?
(David Gibson, Religion News Service)

Vatican gets behind adult stem cell research
(Alessandro Speciale, Religion News Service)

Vandals again torch a Jewish religious object
(Associated Press, The Wall Street Journal)

“Must the Little Sisters of the Poor Implement the HHS Mandate?”
(Marc O. DeGirolami, Center for Law and Religion Forum)

EVENT, April 15, 2013: Believing in Russia - Religious Policy after Communism
(Geraldine Fagan, Kennan Institute)

Sect doctor could face jail for Chile abuse
(The Local)

NC minorities remain worried after religion bill is pulled
(Amanda Greene, The Washington Post – On Faith)

Jehovah's Witnesses in southern Russia face new charges
(RIA Novosti)

The main reason for declining church attendance: Children's sports?
(Melissa Steffan, Christianity Today)

Report: State legislation restricting use of foreign or religious law
(The Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life)

Filipino Catholic groups band together to back poll candidates who oppose contraceptives law
(Associated Press, The Washington Post)

Church of England rejects blessings for same-sex couples
(Sam Jones, The Guardian)

Sharansky proposes egalitarian section at Kotel
(Sam Sokil, Jeremy Sharon, Daniel K. Eisenbud, The Jerusalem Post)

Special Report - Buddhist monks incite Muslim killings in Myanmar
(Jason Szep, Reuters UK)

Egypt's Morsi orders shake-up of Justice & Equality Council
(Ahram Online)

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Obamacare mandates put freedom and women's health at risk
(Paul E. Rondeau, The Washington Times)

Articles by Mary Ann Glendon
(First Things)

US bishop urges Senate to increase controls on gun ownership
(Independent Catholic News)

More Rohingya refugees arrive in Indonesia
(United Press International)

As if God did not exist
(Alexander Görlach, The European)

Kenya: Pentacostal priest reject state plan to vet religious groups
(Jesse Mwangi, The Star)

Tunisia: 'Topless Jihad' sparks rights debate
(Yasmin Najjar, Magharedbia)

Ron Paul launches homeschool curriculum to teach Biblical principles to K-12 students
(Melissa Barnhart, The Christian Post)

NY gambling nun admits taking $128K from churches
(Associated Press, Fox News)

First Muslim woman to enter Australian Parliament
(World News Australia)

Pope names head of Franciscans to Vatican office overseeing religious
(Carol Glatz, The Catholic Register)

Religious minorities band together for tolerance
(Sandra Siagian and Rebecca Lake, Jakarta Globe)

The dark side of “revolution” – The Arab Spring and state fragmentation
(Sabahat Khan, Senior Analyst, INEGMA (Institute for Near East & Gulf Military Analysis))

Pope considering Secretariat of State overhaul
(Andrea Gagliarducci, Catholic News Agency)

Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on Preventive Services
(Little Sisters of the Poor)

How religion could lower health costs in America
(Frank Newport, Gallup Business Journal)

Egypt's Christian pope blasts Islamist president
(AP News, Bloomberg Businessweek)

Christian Religion in Egypt
(Ginger Yapp, Demand Media, Opposing Views)

Bangladesh PM Sheikh Hasina rejects blasphemy law
(Anbarasan Ethirajan, BBC News Asia)

Elliott on Religion in Northern Ireland
(Yosefa A. Heber, Center for Law and Religion Forum)

Tebbe (ed.), “Religion and Equality Law”
(Yosefa A. Heber, Center for Law and Religion Forum)

Employment, religion or belief, the Equality and Human Rights Commission and the Daily Mail
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

You are not a religion
(Mark Movsesian, First Things)

Abdullah and Abbas playing the Jerusalem Card
(Mudar Zahran, Gatestone Institute)

Poland to run out of kosher meat in a month

Risk of religious conflict possible as a result of the Arab Spring in Syria, says Maronite patriarch
(Fady Noun, Aleteia)

What an insult to Christians! After crucifixes are allowed at work, human rights quango tells firms: Give vegans and pagans special treatment too
(Jason Groves, The Daily Mail)

Veil row reignites in France after 15-year-old girl expelled from school for wearing a headband and long skirt which were considered 'too religious'
(Nabila Ramdani, The Daily Mail)

India: Civic body, cops to join hands to determine legal religious structures in Nagpur
(Proshun Chakraborty, The Times of India)

Religious tensions escalate in Egypt amid violence
(David Greene and Leila Fadel, NPR)

Religion has nothing to fear from the 'nones'
(Rabbi Eric H. Yoffie, Huffington Post)

HHS mandate still threatens religious freedom
(Matthew Hartvigsen, Deseret News)

Study: Motivating civic engagement: In-group versus out-group service orientations among Mexican Americans in religious and nonreligious organizations
(Elaine Howard Ecklund et al., Sociology of Religion)

Welcome to the USA: Do religious groups play unique role?
(David Ruth-Rice, Futurity)

Funeral attacked at Egypt's biggest church as religious violence kills six Copts
(Melissa Steffan, Christianity Today)

Muslim persecution of Christians escalating in Pakistan
(Mohshin Habib, Gatestone Institute)

From Khusūs to the cathedral: New attacks on Copts
(Jayson Casper, Arab West Report)

Libya: Religious Affairs Committee angered by website article, demands apology
(Nihal Zaroug, Libya Herald)

Evangelicals push reform in immigration law
(Jeremy Roebuck, The Houston Chronicle)

Libya: Volunteers crisscross borders as Islamist extremism goes global
(Geoffrey York, The Globe and Mail)

Attack on Christians in Egypt comes after a pledge
(David D. Kirkpatrick and Kareem Fahim, The New York Times)

Buddhist monks provoke Muslim killings in Myanmar
(Muhammad Iqbal, Business Recorder)

Christian-Muslim clashes in Egypt kill 5 people
(Agence Tunis Afrique Presse)

Liberia: Theocratic state is dangerous – OpEd
(Rev. Dr. Slocum, The New Dawn)

Uganda: Govt persecuting us, Muslims – OpEd
(Steven Candia, The New Vision)

Tanzanian Muslim clerics call for end to interfaith conflict

Egypt: Protesters cut off road following cathedral clashes
(Aswat Masriya)

Monday, 8 April 2013

Still hoping for change on religious freedom
(Mary Ann Glendon, The Washington Post – On Faith)

EVENT April 12, 2013: Human Dignity in World Affairs: Celebrating Pacem in Terris and its Legacy
(Berkley Center for Religion, Peace & World Affairs)

Holocaust Remembrance Day begins in Israel
(Aron Heller, Huffington Post)

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