Law and Religion Headlines

Friday, 26 October 2012

Addressing Assembly, UN expert urges States to do more to protect the right of religious conversion
(UN News Centre)

Advancing freedoms of expression and religion in the Islamic world
(Ambassador Ukuk Gokcen, Huff Post Religion)

Alabama justice ousted over Ten Commandments monument poised to regain post
(Kaija Wilkinson, Reuters via WWRN)

America's religious past fades in a secular age
(David Aikman, The Wall Street Journal)

Amish lose in court but law grants buggy exemption
(BrettBarrpiqiere and Dylan Lovan, Associated Press via San Francisco Chronicle)

Brazil's evangelical churches rewrite the rules of politics
(Vincent Bevins, Los Angeles Times)

CAIR features imam with ties to Hamas
(Joe Kaufman, Gatestone Institute)

China wants to stop profiteering at temple sites
(Louise Watt and Flora Ji, Associated Press, Huff Post World)

Church of England set for November 20 vote on women bishops

Ethiopia Muslims accuse government of religious meddling
(Jenny Vaughan, AFP via Worldwide Religious News)

EU: the human rights choice
(Austin Bencini, Times of Malta)

Gay marriage pits laymen against religious hierarchy
(Esmé E. Deprez and William Selway, Bloomberg Businessweek)

Imams’ trial tests Bulgaria’s religious tolerance
(Krasimir Yankov , Washington Times)

Is religious freedom really primary?
(Peter Manseau, New York Times)

Liberman: Reduce factions, religion's role in gov't
(Lahav Harkov, The Jerusalem Post)

Massachusetts high court to hear Pledge of Allegiance challenge
(Fox News)

Missionaries rescue trafficked Koreans in China
(Jason Strother, Deutsche Welle)

Modern Christianity in the Holy Land
(Rev. Hanna Kildani, Ph. D., Web Site)

My Take: Muslims must engage politically, look outside themselves
(Imam Khalid Latif, CNN Belief Blog)

Myanmar violence toll surges as troops fire to stop clashes

On holiday of sacrifice, many Syrians cannot celebrate
(Salma Abdelaziz, CNN)

Religion and belief diversity as social capital rather than a trigger for increasing social tension and violence
(Press Release, CEJI)

Religious freedom at the Wall is a right, not an option
(Rabbi Eric H. Yoffie, Haaretz)

Sixth Circuit: Michigan can ban anti-Islam ads from buses
(Joe Palazzolo, Wall Street Journal)

Sudan vows no retreat from supporting Hamas in aftermath of Israeli 'aggression'

Suicide bomber at Afghan mosque shatters holiday that celebrates peace
(Masoud Popalzai and Chelsea J. Carter, CNN)

This Liberty Mutual commercial mixes theology and politics
(Sally Steenland, Center for American Progress)

Tiny Amish Mullet sect clings together after beard-cutting convictions
(John Caniglia, Religion News Service, Huff Post Religion)

UK mother fails in Court of Appeal bid to halt her children’s adoption by homosexuals
(Thaddeus Baklinski, LifeSiteNews)

Utah couple’s Mormon mission: Ease Syrian suffering
(James Stack, The Salt Lake Tribuned)

Votes for prisoners and “law & religion”
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

We rallied for religious freedom. What does this mean?
(Monica Migliorino Miller, Stand Up for Freedom)

Why saving the Human Rights Act will be good for your health
(Alice Donald, UK Human Rights Blog)

Thursday, 25 October 2012

Fiancée fights for her right to a Scientology wedding in landmark legal bid to overturn 'unfair' marriage laws in England and Wales
(Jerome Taylor, The Independent )

A promising victory in the EU Parliament
(Talpa brusseliensis christiana)

A Reform rabbi in the Knesset? Gilad Kariv, head of Israeli Reform, is mulling a run
(Ben Sales, JTA)

Aung San Suu Kyi, the Rohingya of Burma and the challenge of faith
(Akbar Ahmed and Harrison Akins, The Washington Post)

Azerbaijan: Is confiscating religious literature censorship?
(Felix Corley, Forum 18)


Brazilian authorities deny Indians planning mass suicide
(Fox News Latino, Worldwide Religious News)

Defending the Faith: Don't blame religion for world's ills
(Daniel Peterson, Deseret News)

En Allemagne et en Belgique, l’enseignement catholique s’interroge sur l’opportunité de cours d’islam
(La Croix)

France gives Burkina Faso planes to tackle Mali Islamist threat

Freedom of speech: Law and 'Innocence of Muslims'
(Lucie Hecquer, Trevor Asserson, The Jerusalem Post)

In Texas, a sis boom bad ruling
(Editorial, Los Angeles Times)

Iraqi Shiites brace for violence amid Syria fears
(Qassim Abdul-Zahara and Schreck, Associated Press)

Jerusalem's secular Israel minority showing life
(Lauren E. Bohn, Associated Press via WWRN)

Judge delays Metzitzah B’Peh consent form requirement following Orthodox lawsuit
(Sholom Schreiber, The Jewish Voice)

Libya: UN independent experts condemn destruction of Sufi religious sites in Libya

Marriage, civil partnership and cohabitation
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

Mautner on religion in politics
(Lawrence B. Solum, Legal Theory Blog)

Most French see Islam too influential in society: poll
(Reuters, Worldwide Religious News)

Paul Kurtz, 86, Humanist publisher, dies
(Bruce Weber, The New York Times)

Pew Forum Weekly Religion News Update

Putin urges tougher control over ‘mushrooming’ cults

Religious Liberty Report: India and Africa show bad standing (VIDEO)
(Aid to the Church in Need, Rome Reports, YouTube)

Romanian cleric served as Communist informant
(Associated Press, Yahoo! News)

Syrian pilgrims raise rebel flag at haj as mufti calls for unity
(Mahmoud Habboush, Reuters via WWRN)

The Passover Amendment: should legislators meet on religious holidays?
(Michael Lee Pope, The Connection News)

Uruguay bishops say lawmakers who support abortion are excommunicated
(Catholic News Agency)

US: Judge must deny Hobby Lobby morning-after case
(Tim Talley, Associated Press )

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Bosnians elect their first Hijab-wearing mayor
(Aida Cerkez, Associated Press)

Can civil religion unite America?
(Benjamin J. Hubbard, The Orange County Register)

Chicago Declaration gathers support for religious freedom
(Michelle Bauman, Catholic News Agency)

Christians’ letter was reasonable, worded sensitively
(Brant Rosen, JTA)

Church of Scientology launches marriage rights bid
(The Telegraph)

Court of Appeals won't hear same-sex marriage challenge
(Jaleesa Baulkman, Legislative Gazette)

Entire Indian tribe threatens to commit mass suicide after Brazil court rules they must leave sacred burial land
(Daily Mail)

Europe must help Mali against Islamist rebels: Germany
(Alexandra Hudson and Jon Hemming, Reuters)

First blood: Rocket war intensifying on Israel's south, 3 injured, Hamas claims responsibility
(Aryeh Savir and Anav Silverman, Jewish Press)

Grand Chamber hearing for ‘optional celibacy’ priest’s human rights complaint against Spain
(Human Rights Europe)

India: Archbishop among 55 issued notice on Kandhamal violence
(UCA News via Eurasia Review)

Jews rally round woman arrested for praying at Western Wall
(National Post)

Kazakhstan: Pressure on founders to deny re-registration?
(Mushfig Bayram, Forum 18)

Liberty Institute sends letter to HHS to clarify Family Research Council's requirements under the HHS mandate
(Family Research Council, PR Newswire via Sacramento Bee)

Malala Yousafzai and the other half of Muslim history
(Asma Afsaruddin, Common Ground News)

Media groups want Legion of Christ papers unsealed
(AP via CBS News)

NM court reinstates religious leader's convictions
(Associated Press via KOB News)

No `Eid festivities for Burma Muslims

Pastor’s opinion not ‘hate speech’
(Benjamin Bull, Alliance Defending Freedom)

Punitive psychiatry making a comeback in Russia?
(Innokenty Grekov, Human Rights First)

Religious freedom, foreign policy, and just government
(Paul E. Rondeau, Common Sense, The Washington Times Communities)

Sharia law, the Arbitration Act 1996 and the Arbitration and Mediation Services (Equality) Bill
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

Tanzania: Islamist riots threaten Zanzibar's stability

The Chaplain Alliance for Religious Liberty: Interview with Brig. Gen. Douglas Lee
(Kevin Mungons, Baptist Bulletin)

Ukrainian Commission on rights of religious organizations held its first meeting for last three years (PHOTO)
(Institute for Religious Freedom)

Vatileaks: Judges note “reprehensible” damage of Gabriele's theft
(Vatican Radio)

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Ambassador Johnson Cook, specialists consider role of civil society in religious coexistence
(United States Institute of Peace)

Attorney: Church gun ban infringes religious liberty
(Steve Kiggins,

Azerbaijan: Government blames "errors" for negative Venice Commission/OSCE Opinion
(Felix Corley, Forum 18 News Service)

Baha'is most persecuted religion in Iran: U.N. investigator
(Louis Charbonneau, Reuters)

Clergy-led rally stokes attack on health care mandate
(Susan Brown, NWI Times)

Diocese Budimljansko-Niksicka could not legitimately expect restitution of property expropriated in Montenegro after World War II
(Press Release, European Court of Human Rights)

Discrimination complaint filed against area farm for refusing to host same-sex marriage ceremony
(Ian Benjamin, The Saratogian)

Egypt's draft constitution leans towards conservative Islam
(Khaled Diab, The Guardian)

Faith-based initiatives deserve a place in the public sphere
(Ryan Messmore, The Australian (may require subscription))

French Muslims demand group ban after mosque attack
(Reporting by Tom Heneghan, editing by Jon Hemming, Reuters)

Gay rights and religious liberties
(Skye Jethani, Q: Ideas for the Common Ground)

High Court ruling on same-sex adoption in Northern Ireland
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

Hindus welcome completion of long-delayed Berlin Holocaust memorial for Roma
(Eurasia Review)

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