Law and Religion Headlines

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Christians claim workplace discrimination in landmark case
(Harvey Morris, International Herald Tribune)

Democrats release 2012 platform: Provisions on faith in America, civil rights, and social issues
(Eric W. Dolan, The Raw Story)

Did the Moonies really brainwash millions? Time to dispel a myth
(Eileen Barker, The Guardian)

Doomed to disappear? Religious minorities in Turkey
(Luke Montgomery, Washington Times)

Ethnic Chin Christians in Burma denied religious freedom, coerced to convert to Buddhism
(Kangla Online)

Euro imams, rabbis pledge zero tolerance for hate preachers
(Tom Heneghan and Nicholas Vinocur, Reuters)

European Court of Human Rights ruling "could change UK law on religious discrimination"
(Personnel Today)

Faith in the 2012 Election
(Resources on Faith, Ethics, and Public Life, Berkley Center for Religion, Peace & World Affairs)

Fired for being Christian? Religious employees have their day in court
(Christopher Zara, International Business Times)

Germany: New ad campaign to counter Muslim radicalization
(Soeren Kern, Gatestone Institute)

GOP platform calls for marriage amendment, religious liberty
(Family Council)

Islamic revival in China: CCP tolerance or strategy?
(Faaria Volinski, Huffington Post)

Liberia’s deadly religious campaign against gay marriage
(Steve Williams,

Maldives teenage girl faces lashing for pre-marital sex
(New York Daily News)

Moderate Muslims need to speak up
(Jakarta Globe)

Pakistan's Christian cabinet member urges blasphemy rethink
(Rob Crilly, The Telegraph)

Progressive groups call on Democrats to support religious freedom
(Jodi Jacobson, RH Reality Check)

Religious leader ordered detained pending sentencing
(John Diedrich, The Journal Sentinel)

Sectarian divide: The modern warfare
(Farooq Yousaf`, Eurasia Review)

The 2012 Democratic National Party Platform: "Moving America Forward"
(New York Times)

The Republican Platform 2012: "We Believe in America"
(The Republican National Committee)

The United Nations and Palestinian options
(Fadi Elhusseini, Eurasia Review)

Timur catches heat for ‘lazy’ resolution
(Ezra Sihite, Febriamy Hutapea & Ismira Lutfia, Jakarta Globe)

Turkmenistan: Upsurge in raids, threats, fines
(Felix Corley, Forum 18 News Service)

Veto override attempt a matter of religious liberty - OpEd
(Mike Hoey, Kansas City Star)

What's at stake for international religious freedom in the US contraception debate?
(Peter Henne, Huffington Post)

Wheaton College keeps pushing suit against contraceptive mandate
(Marie Wilson, Daily Herald (Chicago))

Workplace Religious Freedom Act passes California legislature
(Sunita Sohrabji, India West News)

World Hijab Day: Muslims debate where the headscarf belongs
(Ilene Prusher, Christian Science Monitor)

Yarmulke flash mob: Protests continue over Berlin anti-Semitic attack
(Spiegel Online)

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

10,000 Syrians stuck at Turkish border as violence continues
(Al Bawaba News)

Blasphemy and the law
(Chloe Breyer, New York Times)

Calls in China for ending labor camp system
(Li Ping, The Epoch Times)

Children to carry on Rev. Moon's religious movement, but feuding could endanger the empire
(Hyun-Ah Kim, Daily Reporter)

Christian fightback: Equality watchdogs take on Cameron and back the right to wear cross at work
(Steve Doughty, Mail Online)

Confronting religious bigotry in America and elsewhere
(Charles Negy, Huffington Post)

Don't just blame 'religion' when parents refuse to let desperately ill children die
(Andrew Brown, The Guardian)

First on CNN: Who’s delivering prayers at the DNC
(Dan Gilgoff , CNN)

Four religious freedom cases at ECtHR: Webcast of the hearing
(European Court of Human Rights)

Freedom of movement in a divided Cyprus

India: Individual free to keep religious belief secret
(Hindustan Times)

Kenya: Another team to probe Rogo's Mombasa murder
(Maureen Mudi, Calvin Onsarigo, and Martin Mwaura, The Star (Nairobi))

Kodnani's instigation brought death to Naroda residents: court
(Business Standard)

Migron settlers begin leaving homes: Israeli army

Politics and religion
(Editorial, Winnipeg Free Press)

Privacy, masks and religion
(Omer Tene, Concurring Opinions)

Religious freedom showdown in European Court
(The Telegraph)

Right to life of the mother takes precedence
(Jacky Jones, Irish Times)

Two Million Friends: A new approach in Afghanistan
(Johnny Barber,

UN human rights chief urged to make Tibet "urgent priority"

Monday, 3 September 2012

Acceptability of Namo [Narendra Modi] outside Gujarat will remain uncertain
(B. Raman, Eurasia Review)

Appeals court rules that gown, invitations do not a wedding make
(Leigh Jones, Daily Business Review)

Baptism, canon law and the Church
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

Conditions in northern Mali portend disaster
(Jemal Oumar and Raby Ould Idoumou, Magharebia)

Election primer 2012: Religion and government
(Steve Hochstadt, History News Network (George Mason University))

Eweida, Chaplin, Ladele and McFarlane: appeals to the European Court of Human Rights
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

Georgia: Orthodox Church looks askance at proliferation of Yoga studies
(Molly Corso, EurasiaNet)

Georgians shaken by border incursion of Islamic militants
(Teo Bichikashvili, Institute for War & Peace Reporting)

Government 'moving goalposts' in HHS contraceptive mandate controversy, lawyer charges
(Brian Fraga, National Catholic Register)

Group says SCO 'vehicle' for rights abuses
(Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty)

In a ban, a measure of European tolerance
(Steven Erlanger, The New York Times)

Indonesia: Clinton should raise plight of religious minorities, says Human Rights Watch
(Eurasia Review)

Islamic fundamentalism in Africa
(Daniel Bodirsky, Geopolitical Monitor)

Islamization and growing tensions in Albania
(Aid to the Church in Need)

Jews and Muslims unite in fight for religious freedom in Europe
(Rachel Hirshfeld, Israel Nation News)

Kachin refugees feel Chinese heat

Moroccan youth gets 3 months for public eating in Ramzan

Muslim cleric accused of planting evidence in Pakistan blasphemy case
(Ayaz Gul, Voice of America)

Muslims are thriving in American Catholic colleges
(Richard Perez Pena, Times of India)

NSS intervene in landmark cases at European Court of Human Rights
(National Secular Society)

Pakistani blasphemy case shifts as cleric is arrested
(Salman Masood, The New York Times)

Persecution prompts Christians in Pakistan to call for separate province
(Stoyan Zaimov, Christian Post)

Rabbis will defy law on circumcision ritual
(Katie Moisse, ABC News)

Syria’s present is drenched in blood so next generation can have a future
(Isida Tushe, Eurasia Review)

Syrian rebel group pledges protection for Christians
(Catholic World News)

The hunger striker set to martyr himself for religious freedom in Iran
(Wilf Merttens, The Guardian)

Unification Church founder Rev. Sun Myung Moon dies at 92
(Hyung-Jin Kim, Associated Press)

Young Iraqis face religious fashion crackdown
(Lara Jakes, WBOC 16)

Saturday, 1 September 2012

Al-Qaeda threat against Lebanon Shiites genuine, serious
(Hussein Abdallah, The Daily Star)

Christianity faces a Middle Eastern exodus
(Kansas City Star)

For faith and much more, women choose to keep covered
(Lornet Turnbull, Seattle Times)

Heeding Romney’s words on religious liberty
(Marc Schneier and Mohamed Magid, The Washington Post)

Human rights 'agenda' is new totalitarianism, bishop warns judges
(John Bingham, The Telegraph)

In U.S., Obama and Romney offer rare glimpse of their spiritual lives
(Daniel Burke)

Opinion: Joshua Rozenberg previews the Ladele case
(The Christian Institute)

Orthodox youth to be united into All-Russian movement
(RIA Novosti / Alexander Vikulov, RT)

Pakistan: Alarming amount of hate-material in textbooks, study reveals

Politics, religion can be seen as deeply related
(Rev. Nathan Day Wilson, IndyStar)

Science and religion peace talks remain controversial
(Karl Giberson, Huff Post Religion)

The shaky state of Bosnia
(Michael Haltzel, Minneapolis Star Tribune)

Thousands rally in Bahrain to demand release of jailed activists

Vatican invites Usain Bolt to address religious liberty conference
(David Kerr, Catholic News Agency)

Friday, 31 August 2012

HC partially strikes down Himachal's anti-conversion law
(Ravinder Makhaik, Times of India)

Becket Fund Files interfaith brief defending Catholic Bishops against ACLU lawsuit
(Press Release, The Becket Fund for Religious Liberty)

Brutality, anger fuel jihad in Russia's Caucasus
(Alissa de Carbonnel, Reuters)

Child protection (or the lack of it) in the Diocese of Chichester
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

China policy on Tibetan freedom of religion may face change as self-immolations continue
(Carla Friedman, Women News Network)

Christian marriage registrar case goes to Europe
(The Christian Institute)

Congo-Kinshasa: UN alarmed over reports of further massacres in eastern DR Congo

Council statement invokes new understanding of mission

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