Law and Religion Headlines

Thursday, 9 August 2012

Namibia: The issue of Bible studies in schools
(Dr. Ngarikutuke Tjiriange, New Era)

No genuine religious freedom in North Korea
(Voice of America)

Petition on religious education in Spartanburg School District 7 denied by appeals court
(Lee G. Healy, Go Up State)

Pew Forum Weekly Religion News Update

Population bill tests Philippine Catholic Church's clout
(Maurice Malanes, ENInews via The Christian Century)

Religious freedom begins with freedom from hatred, violence
(The Rev. Pamela Dolan, St. Louis Post-Dispatch)

Russian Falun Gong takes case to European Court of Human Rights
(NTDTV, via YouTube)

Syrian rebels driven by religion, but on their own terms
(Roula Khalaf and Abigail Fielding-Smith, The Washington Post)

Tatarstan cracks down on radical Islam after Mufti attacks
(Claire Bigg and Alsu Kurmasheva, Radio Free Europe)

The Baha'is of Semnan: A community under fire
(Baha'i World News Service)

The churches' stance on gay marriage is not homophobic
(Jonathan Chaplin, The Guardian)

The ultra-Orthodox tighten their grip in Israel
(Ruth Marcus, Washington Post)

Venice Commission opinion on Russian extremism law
(Human Rights Without Frontiers, Sapientia: La Portail de la Liberté de Conscience)

Wednesday, 8 August 2012

'Right to pray' measure passes by wide margin
(Tim Townsend, St. Louis Today)

‘Global religiosity index’ released: Ghana most religious, China most atheistic
(Catholic World News)

Appeals court upholds hate crime law in Ark. case
(Chuck Bartels, Associated Press via San Francisco Chronicle)

Attack against Nigeria evangelical church leaves several dead

Australian Jewish preschools get state security funds

Complaint: Eruv crosses constitutional line
(Mitchell Freedman, Newsday)

Congolese churches issue a 'cry of distress' over war
(Fredrick Nzwili, ENInews)

Education Ministry introduces secular-orthodox integration programs in schools across Israel
(Itamar Marilus, Y Net News)

Faith groups condemn shootings at Wisconsin Sikh temple
(Chris Herlinger, ENInews)

Girls (in India) threatened for wearing jeans
(UCA News)

Is religious freedom necessary for other freedoms to flourish? [online conversation open through August 13]
(Thomas Farr, Big Questions Online)

Israeli scholar completes mission to 'fix' Bible
(Aron Heller, Associated Press)

Jordan king fears Alawite enclave if Syria breaks up
(Tom Perry, Reuters)

Latvia: Religious hatred still evident
(The Baltic times)

Moderator rejects Freedom From Religion complaint
(Matt Tota, Milford Daily News, The MetroWest Daily News)

Nigeria: No compulsion in religion
(Hannatu Musawa, All Africa)

Norwegian official: Jews, Muslims should replace circumcision with ‘symbolic’ ritual

Penang Islamic council to probe claim of attempt to convert Muslims
(Malaysia Chronicle)

Religion, politics do mix in Canada
(The Province)

Religious profiling is condemned in resolution
(Debra Cassens Weiss, ABA Journal)

Republic of Ireland abandoning religion faster than almost every other country
(Breda Heffernan and Colm Kelpie, Belfast Telegraph)

Russia: Underground sect charged with abuse
(Mansur Mirovalev, Associated Press)

Russian punk rockers rest case in court of world opinion
(Leonid Bershidsky,

Shopping center construction damaging historic Lviv synagogue

Sikh tenets of forgiveness and peace on display at vigil for Oak Creek victims
(Chris McGreal , The Guardian)

Tennessee mosque set to open Friday

The contraceptive mandate: What do religious employers do now?
(Bryan Cave, JD Supra)

The World's Muslims: Unity and Diversity (a poll)
(The Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life)

Three-year-old girl suffocates to death during exorcism (Malaysia)
(Bernard Cheah, The Sun Daily)

Two more Iranian pastors imprisoned for Christian faith
(Michelle Bauman, Catholic News Agency)

Why attack American Muslim women in government?
(Souad Mekhennet, International Herald Tribune)

Woman who was sacked for wearing a headscarf loses religious discrimination claim on a technicality
(National Secular Society)

Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Report lauds Morocco interfaith efforts
(Hassan Benmehdi, Magharebia)

“Particular Concern” about religious freedom
(Philip Jenkins,

A huge cross looms over religious debate in tiny Indiana town
(Maegan Vazquez, Fox News)

As Syria war roils, unrest among sects hits Turkey
(Jeffrey Gettleman, New York Times)

Bishops protest advance of Philippines 'reproductive health' bill
(Catholic News Agency)

Bussy-Saint-Georges, the town with built-in religious harmony
(Stéphanie Le Bars, The Guardian)

Chicago Sikhs react to shooting with education, prayer vigils
(Lisa Black, Michelle Manchir and Jim Jaworski, Chicago Tribune)

Divorce, pre-nups and sharia
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

Emir of Fika escapes suicide bomber
(PM News Nigeria)

EU concerned as Russian band faces three-year jail
(Gulf Daily News)

For Sikhs, turban is a proud symbol—and a target
(Daniel Burke, Religion News Service)

HHS mandate is officially violating our religious liberty
(Jordan Sekulow and Matthew Clark, The Washington Post)

Investigate Myanmar violence, U.N. says

Iowa ACLU leader OK with public school meeting in church building
(Michael Gryboski, The Christian Post)

Islam supercedes politics, says Malaysia PM Razak
(Bikya Masr)

Islamic group sues DuPage over mosque denial
(Robert Sanchez, Daily Herald)

Jindal’s voucher program called ‘bad for religious freedom’ by Interfaith Alliance
(Valerie Strauss, The Washington Post)

Lutherans: Sex education in Costa Rica should be based on facts
(ENInews via Anglican Journal)

Mali extremists say they have faith in mediation
(Brahima Ouedraogo, Associated Press)

Manmohan Singh: Sikh temple shooting a 'dastardly attack'
(Huff Post World)

Military: 19 killed at central Nigeria church
(Bashir Adigun and Yinka Ibukun, Associated Press)

Muslims in France after the elections
(Aude Jehan, Common Ground News Service)

New mosque plans spark clashes
(UCA News)

Parents shun school religion (Canada)
(Jewel Topsfield, The Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason and Science)

Pastor on trial in VT; mom still AWOL with child
(Wilson Ring, Associated Press, San Francisco Chronicle)

Pope's support for Knights shows religious freedom not partisan
(Marianne Medlin, Catholic News Agency)

Protecting conscience rights
(Jordan Lorence, National Review Online)

Rabbi sues Pennsylvania over funeral laws
(Ann Rodgers, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette)

Religion as politics
(Kelly James Clark, Huff Post World)

Rights, Ramadan and China’s religious intolerance
(The Globe and Mail)

Row escalates over sacred fire
(Lorraine Kazondovi, New Era)

Russia: Jehovah's Witnesses charged with extremism
(The Moscow Times)

Russian prosecutors ask for 3 years in punk case
(Nataliya Vasilyeva, Associated Press)

Sikhs plan memorials after Wisconsin temple shootings
(Gary Warth, North County Times (CA))

Small, tight-knit Wisconsin Sikh community shocked by shooting

Tehran's religious powder keg in Syria
(Kersten Knipp, Deutsche Welle)

The Sikh community stands apart, intentionally
(David Mason, The Washington Post)

Trademark infringement case sees North American pastor imprisoned
(Elizabeth Lechleitner, Adventist News Network)

US calls for greater religious freedom in Egypt, other Mideast states
(Bassem Aly, Ahram Online)

Vatican crackdown: Vatican II at heart of dispute between American nuns and Catholic church
(Kim Lawton, Religion & Ethics News Weekly, Huff Post Religion)

Vatican says religious liberty under attack in America
(John Rossomando, Red Alert Politics)

Veiled French Muslim woman charged with inciting riot
(Agence France Presse)

Zimbabwe Anglicans barred from shrine again

Monday, 6 August 2012

Barred by Muslim countries, Rohingya Muslims sneaking into India – analysis
(B. Raman, Eurasia Review)

Bishops urge Congress to act on religious liberty crisis in health care before year's end
(United States Conference of Catholic Bishops)

Burmese gov’t maintains restrictions on religious freedom: US
(Mizzima News)

Church that refused to marry black couple releases apology
(Jeffrey Elizabeth Copeland, CNN Belief Blog)

Clinton hails gay rights activists in wary Uganda
(Writing by Andrew Quinn and James Macharia; Editing by Andrew Osborn, Reuters)

Demonstrators hold Vietnam's 1st gay pride parade
(Associated Press)

Diversity and equality throw up difficult issues – and we want your views on them
(David Woods, HR Magazine)

Estonia to change shechitah law but says no ban is planned

Gay couple married in US feted at Malaysia Banquet
(Sean Yoong, Associated Press)

German bishop calls for blasphemy laws
(The Local (Germany))

Hindus ask world museums-galleries to examine and return stolen Hindu artifacts to temples
(Eurasia Review)

Joplin mosque razed in fire; 2nd blaze this summer
(Associated Press)

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