Law and Religion Headlines

Saturday, 8 June 2013

Archbishop Justin's speech to the Lords on the government's gay marriage Bill
(The Archbishop of Canterbury)

Convenor of Lords Spiritual: Statement [on same-sex marriage]
(Diocese of Leicester)

Church of England gives up fight against gay marriage
(John Bingham, The Telegraph)

Friday, 7 June 2013

Greek neo-Nazis threaten to mobilize against mosque
(AFP, Al Arabiya)

Haredim called on to protest Women of the Wall Torah reading

Islamic law's foothold in German legal system
(Soeren Kern, Gatestone Institute)

Lailat Al Miraj: The basics
(Huff Post Religion)

Ohio Council of Churches say mandate raises religious liberty concerns
(Catholic News Service, The Georgia Bulletin)

Ohio creationism proposal still up for consideration in Springboro schools
(Rebecca Klein, Huff Post Politics)

Responding to lawsuit, Florida to offer kosher food in all prisons

Anglicans drop their opposition to gay marriage
(Sarah Pulliam Bailey for Religion News Service/Huffington Post United Kingdom, UCA News)

New ECHR publications
(Antoine Buyse, ECHR Blog)

Oregon Senate passes bill to restrict vaccine exemptions
(Christopher David Gray, The Lund Report)

Do corporations have religious liberty rights?
(Joe Carter, Acton Institute Power Blog)

Along with political speech, many companies also claim they have religious liberty rights
(David L. Hudson Jr., ABA Journal)

CALL FOR PAPERS abstract due 20 June 2013: Islam, Law and the State in Myanmar Workshop 2014
(Centre for Asian Legal Studies, National University of Singapore)

Islam, Law and the State in Myanmar Conference 2014, Abstract Submission Form
((Download), Centre for Asian Legal Studies, National University of Singapore)

Think spirituality is easy? Think again…
(Roger S. Gottlieb, OUP Blog)

Liberty Counsel files suit against West Palm Beach on behalf of pro-life counselors
(Press Release, Liberty Counsel)

Belief is the least part of faith
(T. M. Luhrmann, The New York Times Opinion)

Biblical definition of marriage, same-sex unions to top sermon notes this Sunday
(Jeff Schapiro, Christian Post Church & Ministry)

United Kingdom: 'Ban faith-based school selection' demands new campaign
(BBC News)

Hate graffiti at Sussex home of soldier's Muslim mother
(BBS News)

Religion and crime
(Gene Veith, Patheos Blog: Cranach (Christianity, Culture, Vocation))

Yes, marriage will change—and here’s how
(Mark Regnerus, Witherspoon Institute - Public Discourse)

The gay guide to wedded bliss
(Liza Mundy, The Atlantic)

El Salvador abortion woman has C-section
(BBC News)

IGE holds conference on Religion, Security and Citizenship in Kazakhstan
(Institute for Global Engagement)

'Not that there's anything wrong with that': What is — or isn't — homophobic
(Eric Metaxas, BreakPoint, Religion Today)

How would SSM change marriage?
(Gina Dalfonzo, BreakPoint)

Russia will rule out risk of Russian children's adoption by foreign same-sex couples

Christians in Andhra Pradesh targeted by Hindu extremists
(Nirmala Carvalho,

Intellectuals protest against the Islamization of Egyptian culture

Thousands celebrate gay pride in Tel Aviv

Slavery didn't end in the 19th century with Wilberforce
(Brian C. Stiller, The Christian Post Opinion)

Respect, inclusion and tolerance at the Wall
(Los Angeles Rabbis, Jewish Journal)

Are human rights "Christian"? – a reflection
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

A growing presence in the LGBT rights movement: The religious
(Michelle Boorstein, The Washington Post-- on Faith blog)

Muslim light: what's behind Turkey's Islamization and the protests against it
(Cinar Kiper, The Atlantic)

Overall declining numbers for Southern Baptists heartbreaking, says leader
(Alex Murashko, The Christian Post)

Ireland: Government acting like 'totalitarian regime' on abortion
(Ronan McGreevy, The Irish Times)

Why Calvinists and Arminians (and those in between) can unite for religious liberty
(Russell D. Moore, Moore to the Point)

Flour power isn’t sweet on gay marriage; bakeries snub same-sex couples’ weddings
(Valerie Richardson, The Washington Times)

Liberty: A vote or a veto?
(Nathan C. Walker, Sightings,The Martin Marty Center for the Advanced Study of Religion, University of Chicago Divinity School)

Indonesia axes bikinis for 2013 Miss World Pageant
(Niniek Karmini, Associated Press, ABC News)

Approval of gay marriage is rising for every religious group, Pew finds
(Jana Riess, Religion News Service)

Rising religious intolerance in Indonesia
(Doug Bandow, Cato Institute: Cato at Liberty blog)

Historical and theological humanity
(Peter J. Leinhart, First Things (First Thoughts Blog))

Religious freedom and reform in Turkey
(John L. Allen Jr., National Catholic Reporter)

End repression of religious freedom in Iran | commentary
(Felice Gaer and Marra Guttenplan, Roll Call)

Patriarch Kirill plans to preside over celebrations of 1,000 years of Russian presence on Mount Athos in 2016

« La France bascule à droite, questions autour d’un mai 68 à l’envers »
(Talpa brusseliensis christiana)

Senior Athos monk praises Russia, urges global Orthodox unity

Ukrainians have trust in Church, media, army - poll

Francis gets personal: 'I didn't want to be pope'
(ABC News)

Pope forgoes summer holidays
(Lizzy Davies, The Guardian)

Why John Calvin is shaking things up for Southern Baptists
(Greg Horton, The State)

Religious leaders welcome FBI hate crimes reporting
(Corrie Mitchell, The Washington Post)

India: 20 Baptist pastors attacked in Andhra Pradesh
(Eurasia Review)

Non-religious people show more faith in science under stress, seeking comfort and control
(Chris Weller, Medical Daily)

Montgomery police partnering with religious leaders to fight crime
(Ashley Thompson,

Religious leaders fined for campaigning

Gay couple sue over wedding cake snub
(Irish Examiner)

Pulpit Freedom Sunday takes on controversial issues
(J.D. Gallop, Florida Today)

Ball State University professor awaiting decision for teaching Creationism
(Michael Gryboski, The Christian Post)

A little more on faiths, groups and places: Nostalgia, too, can bind or split
(B.C., The Economist [Erasmus: Religion and public policy])

Thursday, 6 June 2013

Serving as a voice at the UN for my imprisoned husband Saeed Abedini
(Naghmeh Abedini, Fox News)

A ministerial-exception case to watch in Cincinnati
(Rick Garnett, Mirror of Justice)

EVENT,14 June 2013: Current Challenges to Christian-Muslim Relations in Egypt
(United States Institute of Peace)

Sri Lanka Christians facing more persecution
(Baptist Press)

Pakistan: Extremists who burned the Christian area have been released; the man accused of blasphemy on trial
(Agenzia Fides)

Christian widow in Somalia killed four months after husband slain

United Kingdom: Employment law update – religion, unfair dismissal and flexible working
(Claire Christy, Mondaq)

In gay marriage debate, both supporters and opponents see legal recognition as 'inevitable'
(Poll, Pew Research Center for People and the Press)

The rise of Islamic extremism in Central Asia and the Caucasus
(World Watch Monitor)

Statement of the Bishops of New York State on abortion bill
(Cardinal Timothy Dolan, Archdiocese of New York)

Praying for an explanation?
(Kathryn Jean Lopez, National Review Online - The Corner)

Is Islam a religion of peace?
(Jeffrey Weiss, Real Clear Religion)

European court asks France not to deport Egyptian Copt

My place or my group: In divided spots, local bonds can help
(B.C., The Economist [Erasmus: Religion and public policy])

Why is Christianity losing in America?
(S. Michael Craven, The Christian Post Opinion)

New movie examines extremism in Morocco
(Hassan Benmehdi, Maghrebia)

Responding to lawsuit, Florida to offer kosher food in all prisons
(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

Pakistan: Ahmadis are once again persecuted even as the new government is formed
(Asian Human Rights Commission)

Pakistan minorities will be unsafe if blasphemy laws are amended
(Nasir Saeed, Christian Post)

Pakistan: Christians watchful as Sharif returns to power
(World Watch Monitor)

Tripura: Christian man beheaded for not converting to Hinduism

Church of England: Bishops won’t oppose same-sex marriage
(Cheryl K. Chumley, The Washington Times)

Cairo, thousands of judges protest against Islamization of society

Bangladesh lifts ban on YouTube, blocked after anti-Islam film

Hate crimes toward Coptic Christians in Egypt continue
(Mary Henkin, International Coalition for Religious Freedom)

Report finds 'heartbreaking' slide in baptisms
(Jeremy Weber, Christianity Today)

Implications of the Louisiana Supreme Court voucher ruling
(Alexander Volokh, Reason Foundation)

Mixed votes from HASC on military religious freedom
(Rick Maze, Navy Times)

Turkish protests are about democracy, not religion
(Jay Cassano, The Nation)

Armenia: New legal amendments to end conscientious objector jailings?
(Felix Corley, Forum 18)

FBI to start tracking hate crimes against Sikhs, Hindus and Arabs
(Hindustan Times)

Quebec Soccer Federation cites 'safety' for turban ban
(Sidhartha Banerjee, The Montreal Gazette)

UK Parliamentary committee report urges changes in Charities Act definition of religious charity
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

In print and on stage, the Bible makes surprise comeback in secular Norway
(Fox News)

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