Law and Religion Headlines

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

I'm Muslim, and I hate terrorism
(Dean Obeidallah, CNN Opinion)

Judge: Dairy farmer's religious beliefs not relevant
(Tim Damos, Baraboo News Republic)

Britain's House of Commons debates place of Sharia Law in England
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Myanmar forces accused of 'ethnic cleansing' as EU ends sanctions
(Emily Alpert, Los Angeles Times)

6th Circuit hears oral arguments in homeschooling asylum case
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Amid much tumult, France approves ‘marriage for all’
(Scott Sayare, The International Herald Tribune)

Dossiers législatifs - Projet de loi ouvrant le mariage aux couples de personnes de même sexe (JUSC1236338L)

French lawmakers approve same-sex marriage bill
(Laura Smith-Spark, CNN)

European Court's Grand Chamber urged to protect UK Christians from 'policing of thought'
(Press Release; Contact Andrea Minichiello Williams, Christian Legal Centre)

Abu Qatada ‘to stay here for good’ after court refuses new hearing
(Anil Dawar, Express)

Boston and the future of Islam in America
(Reihan Salam, Reuters)

How Toronto's Muslim community uncovered the would-be train bombers
(Olga Khazan, The Atlantic)

GOP wants more sit-downs with Jews
(Ron Kampeas, JTA)

Human embryos & beginning of life back at European Court
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

Controlling political and religious advertising on radio and television
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

Strasbourg ties itself in knots over advertising ban
(Rosalind English, UK Human Rights Blog)

Religion too often convenient justification for terrorism’s inhumane politics of death
(Benny Susetyo, Jakarta Globe)

Where is Islam a common religion?
(Jason Cristiano Ramon, Opposing Views)

Muslims in North Caucasus concerned about ‘extremism'
(Dan Mercia, CNN Belief Blog)

Can a religious believer be a serious journalist? Richard Dawkins and the unbearable smugness of tweeting
(Scott Stephens, Religion and Ethics)

Religion and politics strange bedfellows
(Abubakar Bheel, The Nation (Pakistan))

Surrey Vaisakhi parade: Sikh youths participate with pride

Tax objector's religious freedom challenges to indictment rejected
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Religious liberty defenders seek legislative fix for HHS mandate
(Tim Drake, The Cardinal Newman Society)

In Romania, Adventists launch ‘Freedom Caravan’ to defend religious liberty
(Adventist News Network)

Amid Christian persecution, Sudan government proclaims religious freedom
(Charisma News)

Beware of LGBT and freedom of religion movements, Muhyiddin tells Muslims
(Zurairi Ar, The Malaysian Insider)

Opinion: Civil marriage in Israel - the time has come
(Susie Gelman, Washington Jewish Week)

Queensland: Bike helmet laws will change to allow religious exemptions
(Marissa Calligeros, Brisbane Times (Audio))

A second child of doctor-shunning couple dies
(The Philadelphia Inquirer)

Human rights include religious freedom, commission says
(CNA Daily News, DFW

On Muslim terrorists and collective responsibility
(Mark Silk, Religion News Service)

USCIRF issues report: Protecting and Promoting Religious Freedom in Syria
(United States Commission on International Religious Freedom)

The benefits of church
(T. M. Luhrman, The New York Times)

Men and Women in Marriage, and the Church of Scotland
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

The EU bans the patenting of human embryos for commercial purposes
(Rosalind English, UK Human Rights Blog)

Court grants preliminary injunction barring enforcement of contraceptive coverage mandate against small business
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

China issues report on human rights record of the United States

Overruling magistrate, court says clergy-penitent privilege applies to unordained minister
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Jihadist suspect cannot be extradited to United States because of his mental illness
(Rosalind English, UK Human Rights Blog)

Sacred Groves
(Eliza F. Kent, OUP Blog)

US report criticizes countries for 'human rights violations' despite its own shaky record
(Press TV)

US human rights report cites Iran, Venezuela, Russia
(Guy Taylor, The Washington Times)

Petition drive as Australian university cancels Dalai Lama talk
(Parameswaran Ponnudurai, Radio Free Asia)

Egyptian police accused of siding with cathedral attackers
(National Catholic Register)

Florist faces second lawsuit over gay wedding refusal
(Catholic News Agency)

Debate, protests mark legalization of gay marriage in France
(Catholic News Agency)

Gay marriage law change casts doubt on future of Catholic weddings
(John Bingham for the Telegraph, UCA News)

VIDEO: Religious Liberty still a problem, 1700 years after the 'Edict of Milan' was signed
(Rome Reports, YouTube)

Religion and Law round up – 21st April
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

USCIRF urges attention to religious freedom violations at UNHRC Universal Periodic Review
(Katrina Lantos Swett, United States Commission on International Religious Freedom)

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Archbishop of Canterbury, on bank reform panel, calls for a UK bank breakup
(William James, Reuters FaithWorld)

Britain's Sharia courts: "You cannot go against what Islam says"
(Soern Kern, Gatestone Institute)

Catholic bishops: Don’t let Boston attacks derail immigration reform
(David Gibson, The Washington Post)

Landmark Christian freedom cases proceed to next stage
(Christian Concern)

Massive investment losses rock leading Buddhist sect
(The Asahi Shimbun)

Netanyahu approves Sharansky's proposal for egalitarian prayer section at Western Wall
(Tzvi Ben-Gedalyahu, Jewish Press)

Pope calls for release of 2 bishops in Syria
(The Miami Herald)

The nice Muslim family next door
(Nonie Darwish, Gatestone Institute)

US Christians rally around home-schooling family facing deportation
(Krista Kapralos, Religion News Service)

Monday, 22 April 2013

China's 100 million religious believers must banish their 'superstitions', says official
(Ben Blanchard, The Independent)

Kazakhstan: Four raids, heart attack, eight fines – amid presidential claims of religious freedom
(Felix Corley, Forum 18)

Nigeria: 185 killed in battle with Islamic radicals
(Associated Press, USA Today)

Texas residents seek healing at church after deadly blast
(Tim Gaynor and Colleen Jenkins, Reuters)

Tunisian Salafists storm female student hostel to stop dancing
(Reuters FaithWorld)

Turn to religion split bomb suspects' home
(Allan Cullison, Paul Sonne, Anton Troianovski, David George-Cosh, The Wall Street Journal)

What America means to Israel
(Fania Oz-Salzberger, The Daily Beast)

Sunday, 21 April 2013

China says aims to banish superstition, promote knowledge
(Ben Blanchard, Reuters)

Saturday, 20 April 2013

Adventists celebrate religious liberty in Brazil
(Video, Adventist News Network)

Missouri House of Worship Protection Act upheld
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Penalty enhancement for meth labs near churches survives Establishment Clause attack
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Terminally ill Canadian woman travels to Switzerland for assisted suicide
(Thaddeus Balinski, LifeSiteNews)

EVENT April 23, 2013: Faith Efforts against Human Trafficking in Cambodia
(12:00-1:30 pm, Berkley Center for Religion, Peace & World Affairs)

EVENT April 25, 2013: Homosexuality in China: An Emergent Social and Religious Controversy
(Huang Ping, Berkley Center for Religion, Peace & World Affairs)

U.S. agency blasts Jonathan, wants Nigeria designated “country of particular concern”
(Monday Ateboh, Premium Times)

Saudi Arabia’s diplomacy doesn’t mask its religious intolerance
(Fr Alexander Lucie-Smith, Catholic

ASEAN can tackle religious divides
(Zhang Yuan, Global Times)

Guantanamo hunger strike will lead to multiple deaths, says military's Muslim adviser
(Ryan J. Reilly, Huff Post Politics)

Muslims find a welcoming home in famously Catholic Ireland
(Megan O'Neil, The Atlantic)

Ahmadiyah sect under siege in Indonesia
(Agence-France Press, Global Post)

At desert monastery, Egypt’s monks join new Christian assertiveness in face of Islamist power
(Associated Press, The Washington Post)

Christians launch landmark human rights case
(John Bingham, The Telegraph)

Experts sound the alarm on BiH's EU accession process
(Ana Lovakovic, SE Times)

Brothers' religion again raises 'double standard
(David O'Reilly, Philadelphia Inquirer)

My Take: Don't lump evildoers with Muslims
(Khalid Latif, CNN Belief Blog)

Older brother in Boston bombings grew increasingly religious, analysis shows
(Tim Lister and Paul Cruickshank, CNN Belief Blog)

Neighbor describes friendly argument on religion, politics
(Alison Fox, The Wall Street Journal)

Muslim leaders condemn bombing suspects
(Eric Marrapodi, CNN Belief Blog)

How the Boston bombing mixes religion and politics
(Tahir Gora, Huffington Post)

Religious responses to Boston bombing

Tamerlan Tsarnaev's wife Katherine Russell wore the hijab after converting to Islam
(John Bigham, The Telegraph)

Boston interfaith service includes prayers from Obama, and Catholic, Muslim, Jewish clergy
(Jaweed Kaleem, Huffington Post)

Mount Rubidoux cross: Auction outcome satisfies Americans United
(Alicia Robinson, The Press-Enterprise)

Interfaith religious leaders send letter urging legislators to oppose same-sex marriage bill
(Minnesota for Marriage)

Pakistani youth prefer shariah law over democracy: survey
(The Frontier Post)

Second attempt to bar religious law in Oklahoma courts succeeds
(Melissa Steffan, Christianity Today)

Human Rights Report questions religious freedoms in Russia
(NTD Television)

Top ten ways Islamic Law forbids terrorism
(Juan Cole, AlterNet)

Pakistani Christians do not support Pervez Musharraf nor any other Muslim leader
(Pakistan Christian Post)

Friday, 19 April 2013

How fear brings us together
(Geoff Mitelman, Rabbis Without Borders – My Jewish Learning)

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