Law and Religion Headlines

Saturday, 27 April 2013

Speech of Dr. Petar Gramatikov at Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. 23 April 2013: "Sectarian Influence on Minors"
(European Interreligious Forum for Religious Freedom)

Church members may challenge bylaws that disenfranchised them
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Lessons from Boston
(Ceylan Ozbudak, Al-Arabiya)

Woman says Integris Health policy violated religious beliefs
(Jaclyn Cosgrove, Tulsa World)

Vietnam sucker-punches the US on human rights and religious freedom
(Michael Benge, American Thinker)

Discrimination or religious freedom?
(Charles C. Haynes, The Star Press)

Pakistan: Religious scholars fully support cause of education
(International: The News)

Genetic testing of children up for adoption
(Rosalind English, UK Human Rights Blog)

Friday, 26 April 2013

Christian Weekly News (Europe)
(Christian Concern)

Culture war in Israel targets ultra-Orthodox Jews
(Daniel Estrin (Associated Press), Yahoo! News)

For American Muslims, dread
(David Rohde, The Atlantic)

Inalienable rights not dependent on religion
(Kathleen Parker, The Tennessean)

Newly released footage shows family of imprisoned pastor in Togo
(Adventist News Network)

Samoan fa'afafine reject same sex marriage
(Radio Australia)

Time to talk about the war on Islam – OpEd
(Paul Woodward, Eurasia Review)

Enough sympathy: Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is not a victim
(Joe Breuklander, The Atlantic)

Address by Ambassador Andrew Bennett at Religious Liberty Dinner
(International Religious Liberty Association)

Philadelphia abortion clinic horror: Column
(Kirsten Powers, USA Today)

Unequal treatment of religious exercises under RFRA: Explaining the outliers in the HHS mandate cases
(Mark L. Rienzi, Virginia Law Review Online)

Lawsuit alleges students in MS school forced to attend religious assemblies
(Don Byrd, Baptist Joint Committee)

Comment: Freedom Caravan and defending religious liberty in Romania
(Paul Wood,

Protecting Same-Sex Marriage and Religious Liberty
(Douglas Laycock and Thomas C. Berg, Virginia Law Review Online)

Vischer on the religious liberty of for-profits
(Marc DeGirolami, Mirror of Justice)

U.S. Army bases block access to Southern Baptist website
(Dave Bohon, The New American)

Military blocks Southern Baptist website for 'hostile content'
(Joe Newby,

Gosnell defense rests in Philadelphia abortion provider case
(USA Today)

Why Dr. Kermit Gosnell's trial should be a front-page story
(Conor Friedersdorf, The Atlantic)

A troubling but eye-opening murder trial
(Jennifer A. Marshall and Sarah Torre, The Heritage Foundation)

Rethinking religious liberty
(Benjamin Wiker, THe Catholic World Report)

Lessons from bruising passage of Kentucky religious-freedom Bill
(Joan Frawley Desmond, National Catholic Register)

Catholic Church pitches religion to young New Yorkers with new ad proclaiming Jesus was the 'Original Hipster'
(Simone Weichselbaum, New York Daily News)

Looking at trees in a new way
(David Haberman, OUP Blog)

Hindus urge Malta tourism boycott if fails to curb illegal bird hunting
(Eurasia Review)

Religion and objectivity panel considers faith in the workplace
(Michael Papich, The Pendulum (Elon University))

The brazen bibliophiles of Timbuktu: How a team of sneaky librarians duped Al Qaeda
(Yochi Dreazen, New Republic)

Jesus and Muhammad and the question of the state
(Juan Cole, Informed Consent)

Not all religion is fundamentalist
(Charles Richardson, Crikey)

Ban on religion forced Albanians to pray in secret: one woman's story
(James Martone, Catholic News Service)

Employment lawyer on Christians’ human rights cases
(Michael Powner, Bdaily)

Pussy Riot member back in Russian court
(Agence France-Press, The Sydney Morning Herald)

From church choir to Jerusalem, a couple’s interfaith journey
(Harold Berman, JTA)

Clerics honor Ukrainian savior of ruined synagogue
(Times of Israel)

Azerbaijani official participated in Kyiv interfaith forum

Finding a 'third way' on the role of religion in public life
(Oleksandr Feldman, Huffington Post)

Trinity Church split on how to manage $2 billion legacy of a queen
(Sharon Otterman, The New York Times)

ObamaCare unconstitutional on several levels, Liberty Counsel argues
(Liberty Counsel, Canada Free Press)

North Korea, Eritrea, China named as violators of freedom of religion in European Parliament
(Interview with Willy Fauté, Tunne Kelam, Laszlo Surjan, NTD Television)

Religious debates in Colonial America
(Andrew Lisa, Opposing Views)

Indonesia: Government collaborates with non-tolerant groups in closing down three Ahmadi mosques in Cianjur
(Asian Human Rights Commission)

Russia launches 'unprecedented' crackdown, rights group warns
(Ian Johnston and Alastair Jamieson, ABC News)

Catholic midwives win right to object over abortion planning in Scotland
(Severin Carrell, The Guardian)

Succession to the Crown Bill passed
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

Syria: Kidnapped bishops spur call for religious freedom promotion
(CNA Daily News,

Egypt's Pope says Islamist rulers neglect Copts

Syria's uneasy Christians feel both sides closing in
(Ian Black, The Guardian)

Conseil de l’Europe : Défendre la liberté de conscience face à l’intolérance et à la violence
(Grégor Puppinck, Talpa brusseliensis christiana)

Humanists file suit against public school that held Christian assemblies
(Mel Fabrikant, The Paramus Post)

China: EU commitments demand tough response
(Human Rights Watch, Thomson Reuters Foundation)

Historic victory in court for Women of the Wall
(Jeremy Sharon, The Jerusalem Post)

WA Senate bill would allow discrimination against gays
(Seattle Post Intelligencer)

US religious freedom commission urges administration to promote religious freedom in Syria
(Catholic Culture)

Kazakhstan: Religious free speech "doesn't exist"
(Felix Corley, Forum 18)

Mormon church pleased with Boy Scouts proposal
(Brady McCombs, ABC News)

Four arrested after live baby sacrificed in bonfire during Chilean sect’s end-of-world ritual
(National Post)

Denounce the ECHR to deport Abu Qatada… You cannot be serious! – Richard A. Edwards
(1 Crown Office Row, UK Human Rights Blog)

Thursday, 25 April 2013

Religious Liberty: Maternity home in thick of HHS mandate fight
(Jennifer Brinker, St. Louis Review)

Boy Scouts proposal displeases religious leaders on both sides
(Adelle M. Banks, The Washington Post)

Justices hear arguments on retaliation in discrimination case
(Amanda Becker, Thomson Reuters News and Insight)

Briefs in University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center v. Nassar

Concerns about religious extremism in Boston bombings suspects' homelands
(The Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life, Pew Research Center)

Yanukovych: Religion helps unite people
(Interfax - Ukraine)

Special Report: Assisted suicide
(CBC News Manitoba)

Physician-assisted suicide: the case for legalization
(Arthur Schafer, CBC News Manitoba)

Assisted suicide would jeopardize people with disabilities
(Ruth Enns, CBC News Manitoba)

Winnipeg's Susan Griffiths dies by assisted suicide in Zurich
(CBC News Manitoba)

The Abortion Act 1967 and the right of conscientious objection
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

Syria campaigns to persuade U.S. to change sides
(International Herald Tribbune)

D.C. houses of worship compete for preservation funds
(Adelle M. Banks, Religion News Service)

Rhode Island on verge of becoming 10th state to legalize same-sex marriage
(The Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life)

Court rules ‘illegal’ Montreal Hasidic synagogue can stay despite campaign to shut it down
(Graeme Hamilton, National Post)

ANALYSIS: John Paul II, Oscar Romero and the politics of making saints
(David Gibson, The Washington Post)

Majority of white Evangelicals back way for unauthorized immigrants to stay in U.S.
(Pew Research Center)

Turkey's Muslim Armenians come out of hiding
(Global Post)

Treat Kashmir as a political, not a religious dispute: Choudhry
(News Track India)

Call it what it is: Islamic terrorism
(Christine Williams, Gatestone Institute)

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Terror plot: Toronto Muslim leader tipped off RCMP: CBC
(CBC News)

Yale Divinity School to host discussion on future of Christianity in America
(Ed Stannard, Middletown Press)

Family-owned lumber business wins injunction against HHS mandate
(Kirsten Anderson, Lifesite News)

Ontario court orders woman to remove face-covering veil to testify
(Calgary Herald)

Lessons from bruising passage of Kentucky religious-freedom bill
(Joan Frawley Desmond, National Catholic Register)

Westminster teen's video on religious freedom wins national award
(The Baltimore Sun)

Mixed reactions to senate gun vote
(Pew Research Center)

Clashes suggest Sunni anger boiling over in Iraq
(Adam Schreck, Associated Press, ABC News)

The Muslim Brotherhood wants Spain back. Can the Christians have Egypt in exchange?
(Tim Stanley, The Telegraph)

Statement by EU High Representative Catherine Ashton on the decision of the Swiss Government to apply quantitative restrictions to the free movement of EU citizens in Switzerland
(European Union)

The religious right wasn't created to battle abortion
(Sally Steenland, Huff Post Religion)

Homosexuality: What you must know
(Paul Bupe, The Times of Zambia via All Africa)

Homosexuality: What you must know (II)
(Paul Bupe, The Times of Zambia)

Indonesia: Students expelled for ‘tainting religion’ with Maroon 5 dance
(Jessica Chasmar, The Washington Times)

The appeal of Islamic radicalism
(Ken Ballen, CNN Opinion)

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