Law and Religion Headlines

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Believers from all walks of life ask the question: Why?
(Cathy Lynn Grossman, USA Today)

The struggle of religious minorities in Indonesia
(Karishma Vaswani, BBC News Asia)

Bangladesh simmers as Islamic conservatives and progressives clash
(Jason Burke, The Guardian)

Nigeria failing to tackle religious violence in its “Middle Belt” – U.S. agency

Egyptians take religion out of view
(Al Jazeera)

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Martin Luther King's 'Letter From Birmingham Jail'
(Fifty years ago today, Martin Luther King wrote this landmark missive, The Atlantic)

Today the world reads from Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “Letter from Birmingham Jail”
(Lynne Varnet, The Seattle Times)

Letter from Birmingham Jail

King’s indignant message in “Letter from Birmingham Jail”
(Jonathan Rieder, National Constitution Center, Yahoo! News)

Anniversary, significance of King's 'Letter from Birmingham Jail' observed on House floor
(Joseph D. Bryant,

Letter from Birmingham Jail (full text)
(Martin Luther King, Jr.)

EVENT April 29, 2013: Unprecedented Repression of Religious Minorities and NGOs in Russia
(Side Event, The United Nations Office at Geneva)

French cardinal warns gay marriage law risks violence
(Tom Heneghan, Reuters FaithWorld)

Rapporteur’s Digest on Freedom of Religion or Belief
(Excerpts of the Reports from 1986 to 2011 Arranged by Topic, UN Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Religion or Belief)

Achebe, religion, renaissance and Bangladesh
(Kajal Bandyopadhyay, Vanguard (Nigeria))

EVENT April 19, 2013: The Jesuits, Globalization, and Dialogue
(4:00 - 5:30 pm, Berkley Center for Religion, Peace & World Affairs)

Religion and human rights: Buddhist hatred in Sri Lanka and Burma
(Jack Healy, Huff Post World)

Religion to take centrestage in battle for Shah Alam
(Debra Chong and Syed Jaymal Zahiid, The Malaysian Insider)

Dervishes end hunger strike after 90 days
(Radio Zameneh)

Second university sounds alarm over segregation at Muslim student events
(John Bingham, The Telegraph)

Religious Liberty — (House of Representatives - April 10, 2013)
(Congressional Record 113th Congress (2013-2014), The Library of Congress (Thomas))

Antisectarian campaign in Egypt urges citizens to remove religion from ID cards
(Robert Mackey, The New York Times)

In the name of religion
(Editorial, The Nation (Pakistan))

Baroness Thatcher, state funerals and ceremonial funerals
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

The religion card in elections
(Editorial, Pakistan Today)

Listening to all religious traditions
(Padre James Bhagwan, The Fiji Times Online)

Human Rights Court halts terror suspect’s U.S. extradition
(Ben Moshinsky, Bloomberg)

Haredi Orthodox Frenchman says he was barred from seeing son due to religion

Independence Day and the Zionist vision
(Isi Leibler, The Jerusalem Post)

VIDEO: See what Sharansky’s Western Wall compromise could look like
(Uri Fintzy, JTA)

Racial harassment claim by Jewish teacher over union’s Israel-Palestine policies fails – Robert Kellar
(1 Crown Office Row barristers' chambers, UK Human Rights Blog)

Retired Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor talks church, state law in South Carolina
(Bruce Smith, The Republic)

India: Administration to restrict Ram Navmi puja at Ayodhya site
(Arshad Afzal Khan, The Times of India)

Separation of legal and religious (same-sex marriage)
(Charlie Mitchell, Sun Herald)

Pope Francis tells Bostonians to “combat evil with good”
(Daniel Burke, Religion News Service)

Religious leaders ‘pray for Boston,’ contemplate evil in the world
(Elizabeth Tenety, The Washington Post)

Elmbrook graduation appeal still pending before Supreme Court
(Sarah Millard, Brookfield Patch)

Scots are losing their religion
(National Secular Society)

Wendell Berry's marriage reversal
(Christopher C. Roberts, First Things)

Commentary: Newspapers too often ignore religion beat
(Terry Mattingly, Herald Times Reporter)

Spain: Supreme Court overturns ban on full-face veils; AI concerns remain about restrictions on headscarves in schools
(Amnesty International)

‘Please don’t be a Muslim’: Boston marathon blasts draw condemnation and dread in Muslim world
(Max Fisher, The Washington Post)

Sri Lanka: Fears churches may be hit by legislation on cults
(Christian Today)

Ex-Agape cult member John Mouhalos facing jail for spending three years on the run
(Sea Fewster, The Telegraph)

Tibet: A female Dalai Lama? Why it matters- OpEd
(Michaela Haas, Huffington Post)

Nigeria: Boko Haram- ECWA demands compensation for burnt churches
(Seriki Adinoyi, This Day Live)

Zambia: Church, state agree to reject homosexuality
(James Kunda, Times of Zambia)

Kenya: Upheavals in the Church of Jesus Christ
(James Murua, The Star)

Religious extremism worries Tunisians
(Monia Ghanmi, Magharebia)

Nigeria: MEND threatens retaliatory attacks on Mosques, Muslims
(Ogala Emmanuel, Premium Times)

Oral argument set for prison kosher food case
(Press Release - Jeff Gasser, The Becket Fund for Religious Liberty)

Monday, 15 April 2013

Spring Meeting, in Battle Creek, marks church’s 150th anniversary
(Elizabeth Lechleitner, Adventist News Network)

EVENT April 23, 2013: The State of Freedom of Religion or Belief in the World 2012
(Hosted by Dr. Lászlo Surján, Vice President of the European Parliament, EP, WG on FORB & HRWF, Brussels, European Parliament JAN Building)

‘Nigeria needs a ministry of religion affairs’
(Chris Irekamba and Femi Alabi, The Guardian Nigeria)

Poster poems: religion
(The Guardian)

Monday’s religion news roundup: Evil Jews? * Catholic reform * God as therapist
(Yonat Shimron, Religion News Service)

My Take: Nothing wrong with Nazi assignment
(Stephen Prothero, CNN Belief Blog)

Israel’s 65th birthday: ‘Around us the storm is raging’ – OpEd
(Uri Avnery, Eurasia Review)

Israel is the miracle‏ – OpEd
(Alan Caruba, Eurasia Review)

Haredi reflections on Israel's Independence Day
(Avraham Edelstein, Huff Post Religion)

Azerbaijani religious community files complaint to European Court of Human Rights against State Committee
(Mubariz Aslanov, APA)

Thomas Perez versus religious liberty
(Ed Whelan, National Review Online)

How not to protect religious liberty
(Gene Policinski, First Amendment Center)

Tunisia Grand Mufti denounces radical fatwas
(Jamel Arfaoui, Magharebia)

Al-Qaeda targets children through video games
(Jemal Oumar, Magharebia)

Assad forces destroy symbolic Syrian mosque
(Al Bawaba News)

Local hostility threatens Arakan reconstruction pledge
(Hannah Hindstrom and Aye Nai, Democratic Voice of Burma)

Russia’s Orthodox Patriarch Kirill says feminism is very dangerous

When Muslims intermarry, do they keep the faith?
(Emiliano Ponzi, Washington Post Opinions)

Westboro Baptist Church's challenge of picketing law goes to federal court
(Associated Press, Journal Star)

Thailand: ‘Phoenix Rising’ for LGBT people — but questions remain
(Grace Poore, The New Civil Rights Movement)

Anglo-imamania: The number of English-speaking imams is rising at last
(The Economist)

Hopi tribe masks fetch record prices at Paris auction
(BBC News)

Fear stalks Yangon's Muslims after Buddhist-led killings
(Jared Ferrie, Reuters)

President of Egyptian Jewish community dies at 82
(Ariel Ben Solomon, Greer Fay Cashman, The Jerusalem Post)

Top court hearing Utah firm's case as groups fight Myriad Genetics' gene patenting
(Michael Doyle, Deseret News)

Excited about the death penalty: The mixed record on abolishing capital punishment – OpEd
(Binoy Kampmark, Eurasia Review)

The new slavery: How patent law is being used to turn life into property – OpEd
(Paul Woodward, Eurasia Review)

Rohingyas ‘using fake passports to reach KSA’
(Md Rasooldeen, Arab News)

Frivolous atmospherics (patentability of human genes)
(Rosalind English, UK Human Rights Blog)

Can they patent your genes?
(Daniel J. Kevles, The New York Review of Books)

Myanmar's Muslims fear toxic fallout of reform
(The Times of India)

Expect Pope Francis to do something about the worldwide persecution of Christians
(Daniel Philpott, Aleteia)

Higher education for displaced people in Africa with UNHCR-JRS initiative
(Bernadine Racoma, Day News)

The crisis of Islam
(Amin Farouk, Gatestone Institute)

Battle of the sexes at Western Wall
(Sara Sidner, CNN Belief Blog)

Exploring the role of caliphs and popes
(Sharique Naeem, New Civilisation)

Saudi Arabia: Free detainee in ‘eye-for-an-eye’ case, says HRW
(Eurasia Review)

Cartoon abuses religious liberty double standard
(Carole Duncan, Napa Valley Register)

Men, women and marriage, and the Church in Wales
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

Bid for state religion fails
(Nathan C. Walker, The Martin Marty Center for the Advanced Study of Religion (University of Chicago))

Fifty years later, church leaders respond to King’s “Birmingham Jail” letter
(Adelle M. Banks, Religion News Service)

Burundi court jails 182 followers of Catholic cult
(Global Post)

Pope Francis supports crackdown on US nuns
(ABC News)

Religious march sparks tension in Sambalpur
(Times of India)

India: Violent clashes in Udaipur over inflammatory remarks on religion
(The Times of India)

Pakistan: Seeking votes in name of religion, sect banned
(Mumtaz Alvi, International: The News)

North Carolina: Local youth explore religion
(Carson Capshaw-Mack, Winston-Salem Journal)

Turkish pianist receives suspended jail sentence for ‘denigrating religion’ on Twitter
(Frank Jordans in Berlin, AP via Washington Post)

Ireland: Convention votes 79% in favour of referendum on civil marriage for same-sex couples
(Ciarán Hanna, Inside Ireland)

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