Law and Religion Headlines

Friday, 7 June 2024

The EU and the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople, a fortress under siege
(Willy Fautré, The European Times)

Australia: Voluntary assisted dying laws have been passed in the ACT. Here’s what happens next
(Ben White, Lindy Willmott, and Madeleine Archer, The Conversation)

Approach to U.S.-Mexico border reflects a crisis of conscience, says Bishop Seitz
(United States Conference of Catholic Bishops)

Engaging Muslim communities: Challenging journeys
(Katherine Marshall, Berkley Center for Religion, Peace & World Affairs, Georgetown University)

Solar panels delayed by planning permission
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

NI judge rules child (5) to attend church with foster parents against wishes of natural mother
(Stephen Gordon, Belfast Telegraph)

Hong Kong: New law could force Chinese priests to share secrets of the confession
(Premier Christian News)

Chile’s bishops push back against president’s abortion and euthanasia advocacy
(Julieta Villar, Catholic News Agency)

Russia: Towards a liquidation of the Greek Catholic Church?
(Massimo Introvigne, Bitter Winter)

Religious freedom advocates demand Egypt release Christians jailed for using Facebook
(Anugrah Kumar, The Christian Post)

Cuba: IRFBA statement – Pastor Lorenzo
(United States Commission on International Religious Freedom)

In Hawaii, Maui council opposes US Space Force plan to build new telescopes on Haleakala volcano
(Audrey McAvoy, Associated Press)

Ohio’s attorney general seeks to block seminary college from selling its rare books
(Bruce Shipkowski, Associated Press)

Federal court blocks Colorado’s discrimination against Catholic preschools

Israel: Women get a voice in Israel’s vote for chief rabbi. It may not save a deeply unpopular institution.
(David I. Klein, Religion News Service)

This Gen Z politician wants to talk about religion more, not less
(Ellie Davis, Religion News Service)

FAFCE develops policy toolkit ahead of new European Parliament legislature
(The Federation of Catholic Family Associations)

German Holocaust reparations increase again this year, but plateau expected as survivors perish
(Philissa Cramer, Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

The head of the UGCC met with the Ambassador of the Netherlands to Ukraine
(Religious Information Service of Ukraine (RISU))

Security Service blocks channel of anti-Ukrainian literature distribution via UOC-MP church shops
(Religious Information Service of Ukraine (RISU))

Experts at conference held at the Church of Scientology of Rome, make the point on the state of freedom of belief in Italy and the world
(The European Times)

Worship in an Age of Disinformation: How can churches help young people combat fake news? Finland has the answer.
(G20 Interfaith Forum Blog)

Malaysian NGO cautions against unlawful conversion of minors
(Union of Catholic Asian News)

New report on “values that are needed” will be released at Human Rights Council
(World Council of Churches)

Japan: Hate crimes epidemic against the Jehovah’s Witnesses in Japan: Who is responsible?
(Massimo Introvigne, Bitter Winter)

Cultural issues and the 2024 election
(Pew Research Center)

Jewish students take UCLA to court over antisemitic encampment

Pakistan: Religious freedom is a pipe dream for Pakistan’s minorities
(Union of Catholic Asian News)

Pakistan: All communities enjoying religious freedom in Pakistan: Minister For Law And Justice, Senator Azam Nazeer Tarar
(Fahad Shabbir, Urdu Point)

India: Modi’s narrow re-election win: How Indian voters saw through his religious rhetoric
(Sumit Ganguly, Religion Unplugged)

India election results: what next for persecuted Christians?
(Open Doors)

Texas may pay schools to use curriculum critics call overtly Christian
(Ben Brasch, The Washington Post)

Jehovah’s Witnesses fail to get state recognition in Lithuania
(Lietuvos nacionalinis radijas ir televizija)

Conference calls for new global platform for religious freedom
(Deborah Castellano Lubov, Vatican News)

Brazil: Influencer accused of religious intolerance after associating tragedy in RS with African-based religions becomes defendant (Portuguese)
(G1 Minas)

Study day for coordinators of Catholic Religion in the European Schools takes place at COMECE
(The Commission of the Bishops’ Conferences of the European Union (COMECE))

Wednesday, 5 June 2024

VIRTUAL EVENT, 5 June 2024 (9:30AM ET): Harmony in Diversity - "Latter-day Saints"
(Francesco Di Lillo and Ryan Koch, European Union and United Nations Offices of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints)

EVENT, 5 June 2024 (18:00 CET): Governmental responsibility and personal ethos (Brussels, Belgium)
(COMECE, the Chapel for Europe and Europäischen Zukunftsgesprächen)

President of EU bishops encourages participation and voting for “candidates and parties that will continue building a better Europe”
(The Commission of the Bishops’ Conferences of the European Union (COMECE))

Holocaust survivors beg young EU voters to shun far right
(AFP, Courthouse News Service)

European Elections 2024: In Germany, Catholics battle against far-right
(Delphine Nerbollier, La Croix International)

In Europe, moderate conservatives seek to steal hard right’s thunder
(Ned Temko, Christian Science Monitor)

Conference recordings: Oceanian Perspectives on Human Dignity
(YouTube Video, International Center for Law and Religion Studies (ICLRS), Brigham Young University)

Palermo: The Tai Ji Men case discussed at the European Academy of Religion
(Massimo Introvigne, Bitter Winter)

Religious and Anti-religious Hatred: Reflections on the January 2024 Report of the UN Special Rapporteur on FoRB
(Talk About: Law and Religion - Blog of the International Center for Law and Religion Studies)

Applying vernacularization to hate speech based on religion or belief: a short exploration
(Eugenia Relaño Pastor, Talk About: Law and Religion - Blog of the International Center for Law and Religion Studies)

Hatred on religious grounds and the risk of double standards
(Montserrat Gas-Aixendri, Talk About: Law and Religion - Blog of the International Center for Law and Religion Studies)

How does hate speech directed at one community affect another community?
(Jagbir Jhutti-Johal, Talk About: Law and Religion - Blog of the International Center for Law and Religion Studies)

The real danger of hate speech and its impact on vulnerable groups
(Alberto Jose Ferrari Puerta, Talk About: Law and Religion - Blog of the International Center for Law and Religion Studies)

India's BJP concedes defeat in Ayodhya, where Modi opened grand Ram temple
(Saurabh Sharma and Shivam Patel, Reuters)

India: Plurality under BJP dominance
(Arun Swamy, The East Asia Forum)

India: What does the death of a jailed Jesuit priest say about India's democracy under Modi?
(Lauren Frayer, NPR)

Stephen Schneck elected as Chair of bipartisan U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom, Eric Ueland as Vice Chair
(U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom)

Around the Web - 3 June 2024
(Law and Religion Forum, St. John's Law School Center for Law & Religion)

USAID strategic religious engagement policy
(YouTube Video, USAID)

Moses Mendelssohn and the Jewish Questions of Modern Natural Law
(Meirav Jones, Cambridge University Press)

Haifa Symposium: Religion as a path to peace amid Middle East conflict
(Noa Amouyal, The Jerusalem Post)

Religion and child rights in the United States
(Berkley Center for Religion, Peace & World Affairs, Georgetown University)

New commission of religiously affiliated higher education aims to spark collaboration
(Adelle M. Banks, Religion News Service)

Canada: Man charged with murder of Sikh activist arrested near site of planned Sikh gathering in Ontario
(Evan Dyer, CBC News)

June 2024 Newsletter
(The Association of Religion Data Archives)

Chapel defaced with Islamic graffiti
(Observatory on Intolerance and Discrimination against Christians in Europe)

White supremacist sentenced for federal hate crimes for conspiracy targeting Black and Jewish people and desecrating Michigan synagogue with neo-Nazi symbols
(U.S. Department of Justice)

Man who attacked Muslim lawmaker in Connecticut sentenced to 5 years in prison
(Associated Press)

GAO says DEA should improve its process for granting religious exemptions for psilocybin use
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Oklahoma legislature enacts bill requiring schools to offer released time for credit courses in religious or moral instruction
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Alabama Supreme Court refuses to order United Methodist Conference to allow church disaffiliations
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Pride-themed jerseys continue to spark controversy in professional sports leagues
(Kelsey Dallas, Deseret News)

Mexico Catholics optimistic about new president’s government
(Eduardo Campos Lima, Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

DRC: Attacks by Islamists in DR Congo increase in East of African country
(Ngala Killian Chimtom, Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

Occupied Ukraine: After year in detention, Orthodox priest's "espionage" trial imminent
(Felix Corley, Forum 18 News Service)

A new chapter in the academic study of canon law in Britain
(Russell Dewhurst, Law & Religion UK)

Keeping the faith: is the rise of religious ‘nones’ stalling?
(Richard Ostling, Religion Unplugged)

South Africa: Catholic bishops laud ‘free and fair elections,’ urge party leaders to put ideologies aside for common good of country in coalition talks
(Paschal Norbert, Catholic Information Service for Africa)

Christian politics in Hungary
(Sarah Stewart, Juicy Ecumenism, Institute on Religion and Democracy)

Rescue of more historic Catholic sites in France gets underway
(Solène Tadié, Catholic News Agency)

Vandals urinate into the holy water fountain of Strasbourg church
(Observatory on Intolerance and Discrimination against Christians in Europe)

Man rammed car into Rodez cathedral shouting "I hate Jesus"
(Observatory on Intolerance and Discrimination against Christians in Europe)

France: 'Islamophobic' CNews becomes top news channel
(Middle East Eye)

Polish mayor bans religious symbols
(Carina Benton, One Peter Five)

Monday, 3 June 2024

Muslim schools caught up in France's fight against Islamism
(Juliette Jabkhiro, Reuters)

Sacred medicine on trial: The ongoing legal battle for Claude Bauchet and ayahuasca in France

Triumph or pyrrhic victory for the freedom to protest? A critical discussion of Auray v France
(Eleni Polymenopoulou, Strasbourg Observers)

Mexico: Elections in Mexico: Freedom of religion or belief remains an unaddressed issue
(FoRB in Full: A blog by CSW)

Mexico: Claudia Sheinbaum to be Mexico’s first woman, Jewish president
(Jewish News Syndicate)

Argentina: President Milei’s surprising devotion to Judaism and Israel provokes tension in Argentina and beyond
(Isabel Debre and Almudena Calatrava, Associated Press)

Israel: Yeshiva representative to High Court: Draft of Haredi men would violate freedom of religion
(Jeremy Sharon, The Times of Israel)

EVENT, 3 June 2024 (2PM ET): Religion and the Environment: Moving from Values to Impact (Washington, DC, USA)
(Berkley Center for Religion, Peace & World Affairs, Georgetown University)

Christian sues in California over public pride flags
(Andrew Stanton, Newsweek)

Latinos play an important role in environmental movement, Georgetown panel says
(Aleja Hertzler-McCain, Religion News Service)

Lag B’Omer pilgrimage to Tunisian synagogue chilled by Gaza war
(David I. Klein, Religion News Service)

For many American Jews protesting for Palestinians, activism is a journey rooted in their Jewish values
(Atalia Omer, The Conversation)

Climate change and the importance of indigenous knowledge
(JoAnne Wadsworth, Viewpoints, a blog of the G20 Interfaith Forum Association)

Liberalism's identity irresolution
(Timothy Gutmann, Sightings, The University of Chicago Divinity School)

Varieties of religious space. Freedom, worship and urban justice.
(Melisa Liana Vazquez, Romatre-Press)

Faith-based groups that assist migrants become targets of extremists
(Miriam Jordan, The New York Times)

United Methodists to lose 12% of global membership as African churches exit over LGBTQ-friendly move
(Mark A. Kellner, The Washington Times)

India: USCIRF Annual Report 2024: A deep dive into religious freedom in India - OpEd
(Humma Rehman Qureshi, Eurasia Review)

Indonesian environmentalists slam law allowing religious groups to manage mining areas
(Arie Firdaus, Benar News)

These three anti-Zionists were just ordained as rabbis
(Yonat Shimron, Religion News Service)

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